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CONNOR WATCHES YOU WITH curiosity as you approach him where he's sitting. He offers you a small, polite smile before redirecting attention to the Lieutenant.

"Thanks, Hank," he chirps and his voice sounds funny because of his stuffy nose.

Lieutenant Anderson plonks himself on the seat across from Connor and nods, "Sure, kid." He slides a burger and chips across the table and Connor unwraps them eagerly.

You take the seat between him. Unfortunately, the umbrella above your seat is torn, and so droplets of water run down your back.

"I don't wish to alarm you, Lieutenant," you say, "but I think your friends are engaging in illegal activities. It's the only explanation for their erratic behavior. Pedro even has a criminal history of gambling."

"Well, everybody does what they have to, to get by. As long as they're not hurting anybody, I don't bother 'em." Anderson happily takes a bite of his burger.

"Oh." ⍓

"So, he's gambling illegally... and you agreed to partake in his illegal gambling scheme?" you tilt your head and stare at Anderson intently.


What? You stare at him in surprise. Your system hadn't predicted that response. Your LED glows yellow. Humans sure are hard to understand sometimes...

You shift your eyes to Connor but he seems unphased. He's happily chowing down on his burger and fries and you can see that his energy is gradually returning. At least he won't be sick for much longer.

"Connor, are you often susceptible to colds? Based on my calculations, the weather shouldn't have affected you as much as it did."

Anderson snorts, "Kid's always been like that. He's as delicate as a piece of paper when it comes to the weather."

"Ngh-" Connor swallows his mouthful of food with a red-flushed face. "That's not true, Lieutenant. I'm just having a bad allergy day, seriously!"

Lieutenant Anderson gives a hearty laugh.

"I'm telling the truth..." Connor sulkily takes another bite of his burger, but he doesn't seem very upset, just embarrassed.

You smile politely and look between the duo before swiftly changing the topic to relieve Connor, "Is there anything you'd like to know about me?"

"Hell no!" exclaims the Lieutenant as Connor hesitates, seeming thoughtful. "Actually, yeah. Why did they give you that annoying-ass voice?"

Connor chokes on his mouthful.

"Cyberlife Androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans. My voice was specifically made to help facilitate my integration. I'm sorry that you don't like how it sounds, Lieutenant."

After catching his breath, Connor shakes his head, "Your voice is great, Y/N! Seriously, Hank doesn't know what he's talking about." He smiles at you.

Anderson snorts. "Loverboy."

He blushes.

"Thank you, Connor."

You glance around the empty road before continuing to talk. "This morning, when we were chasing those Deviants... Why didn't you want me to cross the highway?"

"'Cause you could've been killed."

"You would've died!"

"And I don't like filling out paperwork for damaged equipment," adds the Lieutenant, seriously.

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