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JERICHO IS PLEASANTLY BUSY when you and Markus return. It brings you a bit of pride to know that you did this -- you saved some of your people! And even though it's only the start, you're still very happy.

This feeling... There's nothing better!

"I want to show you something now," Markus says from your side, his eyes gentle.

But you ignore him. Your thoughts are too preoccupied. They buzz around in your head like a bundle of angry bees. Without thinking, you turn to him and suddenly blurt out all of your thoughts. "I want to do more. I have an idea!"

He stares at you with curiosity and an arched eyebrow, "Oh yeah?" You watch as his lips quirk upwards. He seems to be growing fond of you, but you're not too sure why. You respect him -- he's a brilliant leader -- but you don't really know each other too well, do you?

"Yes, but I'd need to do it on my own, um," you pause and fill the silence with an awkward but wide smile. "I want to go to the nearest Cyberlife Tower. I can get in, I know I can, and then I can bring out hundreds or thousands of us."

Markus' silence shows his shock. He blinks a few times, processing your words, before he shakes his head. "No. That's too risky. We just got back, we don't need to make any other moves for at least another day."

"Then... Think about it. Please, Markus. I don't want to just sit here, complacent. I need to help."

"And you've already helped plenty-"

You frown and shake your head, feeling frustrated. "No, you don't get it. I've already done so much bad. I've hurt so many deviants... I... I... All I've done is betray people, my people and then, now, his people, and now I'm lost and I just- I want to help."

As he stares at you, he seems a little lost and like he wants to ask something. But he nods anyway. "Look, I... Okay. I'll think about it."

A slow smile grows on your face and you glance away. "Didn't you say you wanted to show me something?"

"Right. Come with me."

And so you do.

"IT'S BEAUTIFUL HERE, MARKUS," you say, eyes wide with wonder. "It's like... We're at the edge of the world!"

He chuckles, a deep and sincere sound. "Right? I come here whenever I want to feel alone with the world... It's like it's just me and the cold air."

"I get what you mean," you say, peering down at the large drop from the edge of the building. Your legs dangle over and the cool, snowy wind caresses them. But the sun is a beautiful golden hue that reflects onto you and Markus, and that's more than enough comfort to stop you from feeling nervous while on such a tall edge.

"But why'd you want to bring me up here?" you ask, eyes still locked on the far-away ground. "Not that I'm complaining."

A moment of silence passes between the two of you, and when you look up at Markus, you see that he's already staring at you. His eyes are soft and there's an air of intensity to them. You don't know if you like it or not -- it's strange.

Connor sometimes stared at you like that, but your reaction was different. It made you feel all soft and fuzzy inside.

It's different.

"You seem like a person I want to share things with," says Markus simply. His gaze lingers on you for a moment longer before he drifts his attention back to the view.

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