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"ARE YOU SURE ABOUT this, Markus?" says Sorrel, her voice heavy with irritation. "Ugh, if we get caught, we're totally screwed. We're putting our lives and the success of the revolution on the line here, y'know?"

You flatten your body against the wall and glance toward Markus to find him already staring at you.

Surprised, you jump slightly, like a flinch, but without any fear.

His lips curl with amusement, "We'll be quick. It's a matter of lives at stake, so no matter how this ends, this is worth the chance."

Sorrel huffs and rolls her eyes, "Well if you die, I'm not dragging your corpse back to that stupid Church."

"It's okay Markus, I will," you say with complete earnestness. ⍓

Your two companions send you strange looks, but they both seem moderately amused, which is weird, considering you were completely serious.

Ignoring them, you slowly peer around the corner of the wall, eyes squinting against the flashing, strobe lights of Eden Club's front sign. It's still open. You wonder why.

 You remember seeing it for the first time. In fact, you especially remember what Hank had first said.

"Sexiest Androids in town... Now I know why you insisted on coming here, Y/N."

Connor had been quick to defend you.

You still have no idea what he meant by that, but the memory of his familiar husky voice brings a small smile to your face. You hope to see him soon. Imagine the look on his face when he realizes you've Deviated.

Unsurprisingly, you doubt he'll be mad at you. He's been encouraging this for a long time.

Connor, too. He's spent countless lectures on how alive you are. It's rather sweet, isn't it?

"Ready?" says Markus, his deep voice breaking you from your distracting thoughts.

You nod and straighten the collar of your RK800 uniform. "Ready."

Time to put on a show.

Inhaling sharply, something that actually serves a purpose now that you've Deviated -- it works to calm you down -- you leave the small alleyway and take quick, precise steps across the road to the club.

Snow coats the roads and sticks to your hair stubbornly. You walk with your back ramrod straight and your steps meaningful.

The success of Markus' plan weighs heavily on your performance. It better be a good one.

As you approach the front of the building, you notice a concerning lack of security guards. Eden Club's managers aren't kidding when they call the services, uh, discrete. Whatever, it makes your job way easier, so you're definitely not complaining.

You enter through the front door and keep your eyes set straight ahead to avoid the flashing, close-up images of body parts.

Straightening your tie, you enter the Android section, where a male model is swinging his body around a pole. Ah, memories. You stare at him in pity, your eyebrows slowly furrowing. It's sad how Androids are treated, isn't it?

Like shiny new cars, displayed for the hungry eyes of humans. And as soon as they get old, they're thrown away and discarded.

"U-Um, can I help you?" A squeaky voice quickly catches your attention. Your eyes dart over to the figure of a familiar man. The manager of the place. You weren't expecting to see him here, and it could either make your job easier or much, much harder.

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