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SNOW FALLS FROM THE sky daintily, fluttering and twirling as it lands onto the ground. You stare out the window from inside Hank's car, your expression mostly blank even if the snowfall fascinates you.

"We're here," says Hank as he unbuckles his belt.

Connor stiffens and you notice that his heart rate increases, "So we are... Huh... Is it weird of me to say I'm nervous?"

Hank snorts, "A little. Don't worry 'bout nothin, kid, we're just gonna ask some questions and be on our merry way."


From the backseat, you study Connor's side-profile curiously. You don't miss the way his shoulders tense and his eyebrows are furrowed with mild anxiety, and silently, you file that information away for later questioning.

The Detective and Lieutenant both get out of the car in near-perfect synchronization and you watch them for a moment, calibrating your senses before you follow them.

By then, Hank is talking on a phone call and he wears a serious expression. You join your partner's sides, eyes fixated on the Lieutenant in morbid curiosity. Not many things seem to get much of a reaction out of him asides from anger, so it makes you wonder why he seems so somber.

"Is everything okay, Lieutenant?" you ask as Hank pockets his phone.

He sighs, "Chris was on patrol last night. He was attacked by a bunch of deviants... He said he was saved by Markus himself..."

"Jesus," Connor raises his eyebrows, "how's he doing? And his wife? I know they just had their son a couple months back... Must've been real scary for them both."

Your eyebrow twitches. The Deviant leader saved Officer Miller? What is his motive?

"Uhuh," Hank nods and slowly approaches the foreboding Kamski home, sleek and empty in appearance like the Androids he has fathered, "Chris's in shock, but he isn't dead."

Connor stares at the Kamski estate with disdain in his clear gaze, "Euck. This place is giving me the heebie-jeebies."

You fold your arms across your chest, "I agree. I have a bad feeling... We shouldn't have come here."

Hank pauses in his steps and turns to look at you with amused eyes, "Bad feeling, eh? You haven't had that Cyberlife check-up yet? Maybe it's more urgent than you think... Could be a glitch in your program." He grins, crookedly, and continues walking.

You frown... But, after a long moment, you realize Hank is only joking.

Both Connor and yourself slowly tail Hank as he makes his way to Kamski's front door. When you look over at the Detective, you notice that he seems unusually tense. His eyebrows are pinched and his lips pursed.

Hank presses down on the buzzer.

"Are you feeling okay, Connor?" you ask. "Is your illness returning?"

Before he can answer, Kamski's heavy front door slowly opens, revealing a blonde RT600 model Android with clear grey eyes.

"Hi, uh," Hank stumbles over his words, seeming uncomfortable, "I'm, er, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, Detroit police department. I'm here to see Elijah Kamski..."

The RT600 model smiles politely, "Of course. Please, come in."

She ushers the three of you inside and closes the door quietly behind you. Kamski's home is, unsurprisingly, completely over the top. His waiting room is large, spacious, and minimalistically decorated.

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