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"Arg!" I groan. My head hurts.

I remember what happen a while ago I cry again that is embarrassing Jisoo Unnie and Mom is there.

I look to the door open and it was Mom Jessi I smile at her.

"Are you okay now?" She ask me while patting my head. I shake me head as a no.

"Are you hurt? Where?" Mom ask worriedly she is checking me every part of my body.

I laugh at her she look at me confused "Why?" She ask.

I shake my head I am just torturing myself my head hurts more when I shake my head.

"Ouch!" I hissed looking to Mom "Why you hit me?" I ask rubbing my shoulder.

"Then why you don't talk huh did your tongue got cut?" Mom raising her eyebrow I was about to laugh again "Laugh again I will not talk to you for a week" She walk out and I widen my eyes getting up to my bed like I forget that my head hurt.

"Mom!!! Wait "I run outside my cat wae tailing me behind.

"I was just making fun!" I little loud said and clinging to her arm.

"I didn't feel any hurt Mom it's just a joke" Its a lie the truth is I am hurt so much. "Momm!!!" I shout she didn't give me a look I pout still clinging to her arm many daughters like doing it to their Mothers.

"HAHA I am just kidding too" She pinch my nose and I glared.

"Now I know you are Mommy's girl right" Ms. Jessi ask me.

"I am Mommy's girl because you don't have husband or something like that if you have I will be Daddy's girl then" I fired back like angry daughter.

"Then I will not find a husband" She said and walk fastly she even remove my hands. Then here I am dumbfounded.

"Whyyy!!" I shout but she didn't reply.

"Because she is jealous that you will be a Daddy's girl if Ms. Jessi will get a partner" I look to living room and it was Jisoo.

"Ahh is that so" I simply said I smile in my mind HEHE.

I then remember that we have practice I look where Joohyun was "Are we going to start now I am ready?" I ask.

"Yeah let's go" She said as she stand up and walk towards me and grab my hand. I am startled because my heart start to beat fast what is this I look down to my hand that Joohyun hold.

"Hey are you okay" I heard Joohyun so I nodded and start to walk going to dance room but still my heart beat getting craxy yah calm down. Joohyun friends is tailing behind us and also Jisoo unnie.

"Yahh! Are you sure you will catch me!?" Joohyun nervously ask.

"You don't trust me?" I ask her.

"Yeah I have trust to you but your body I don't trust, you are skinny" She said and I pout I heard them laughing in the corner.

"Are you understimating my body Hyun" I said pretending to be sad.

"No, aish okay catch me okay" She said and I smile and we start dancing.

"Wahh!" She shout as I put down my hand and catch her because we are in the part that she is in the high yeah like that its spoiler.

"HAHAHA!" I heard them laugh so hard Joohyun glared at them and they stop.

"You will get used to it Hyun" I said and we stop for a minutes.

"Wahh Lis you are strong" Jennie said to me and I smile shyly.

"Yeah I am pretty strong" I said with a smug face but Jisoo Unnie throw me a towel on my face.

"Yahh! What's that for?" I ask annoyed but she shrugged it off.

"I will ordered my servant that they would not include the checkin in the dinner" I mumble but maybe Rose heard it.

"Did you say something?" Joy ask I was about to answered but

"Lisa said she will ordered her servant not to cook checkin" Rose said I facepalm.

"Ahh Hyun let's start" I immediately said and help Joohyun to stand up I don't want to hear Jisoo Unnie tantrums.

Jisoo was about to stand up to attack me but Rose hold her and I look Jisoo teasingly I laugh because she blush.

"HAHAHA-" I immediately stop because they are looking at me weirdly.

"Why are you laughing?" Joohyun confusely ask.

"Ahh nothing its just a funny memories pop up to my mind yeah memories" I awkwardly laugh.

"Your weird" She said and she position.

" my ghadd!"
"What the!!"
" what the fuck!"
"Catch me!"

That's all we all heard from Joohyun every she shout we all laugh and Joohyun will glared at me and to them. The dance room was full of laughing and amazement some of it is compliment on how the choreography was so good sometimes teasing each other. My house was finally filled with a joy for the first time.

"I think my soul was left in the air" Joohyun said while she is catching her breath and I am fanning her.

"You said you are not afraid of heights" I said as I remember that she is not afraid of heights.

"Yeah I'm not. I am afraid that you would not catch me" She said teasing me I pout again. "Don't pout I trust you but still this is my first dance again after I stop years ago" She said and smile again.

"The trophy in the living room that I saw there is that yours because there's a name like a dance name yeah" I ask her. we sit on the corner of the dance room while the others go out to eat snacks because Rose got hungry.

"Yeah that's mine" She confirmed. "Late Congrats you always win" I congratulate even its late HEHE.

"Thank you" she shyly smile. " Your lucky that you show your talent" I said sadly.

"Why?" She look at me straightfully in my eyes.

"Because me I didn't show it to everyone and this is my first time to attend dance competation" I answered.

"Then why you did not join the dance troup in the school so that you can show them your skills" I stay silent "Is it about Seulgi?" She ask again I nodded slowly and I look away.

I felt a hand cupped my face and it was Joohyun hands. She face my face to her I am trying to look at the other side my eyes can't stay still.

"Look at me" She said and I didn't obey "Lisa look at me" Sha say again softly so I look at her. She is beautiful her face was like I don't know how to put a words that describe beautiful.

"Whatever problems it is but don't be afraid to show it to everyone. You have that skills because there is a people who is waiting to watch a very good dancer they are waiting for you so this coming competition its your time our time to show them our skills okay don't be afraid or shy. And I will be one of your fans the day that you dance. If you have problems I can listen we are friend you are part to my squad too okay! Fighting! " She said sincerely and I appriciate it.

"Yahh! Why you cry" She ask shock and wiping my tears she hug me the hug was so warm like a home. I am crazy because I sob this embarrassing I hate this cry baby in my side of my personality.

"Now we had another cry baby Lisa and Rose" She chuckle said she pull the hug and I miss it now I pout.

"Let's eat I am hungry because you always throw me in the air" She said and laugh I can't help but laugh too.

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