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Bogum offered, "Let me help you, Irene," and Irene was going to stop him, but Bugom began to assist her. The Kim's and Bae's gave their servants an early day off, so Irene offered to clean after their breakfast.

Lisa cried last night when she spotted Irene hugging Bogum because she assumed Irene had really broken up with her because she thought that Irene feel out of love and had found someone else. Then Irene explains to Lisa that everything is only a dare and that Bogum was her childhood friend at school, but Lisa continues to cry, making Irene want to laugh so hard at her cuteness. Lisa fell asleep while embracing Irene last night because she was exhausted from sobbing.

Lisa and their friends are currently chatting in the living room. Jisoo and Jennie aren't friends with Bogum since they can't get along. Lisa got up and went into the kitchen to get some water since she was thirsty. But she had just seen the two giggling, and Lisa's imagination was already picturing how they might look if they are together.

Lisa starting to have illusions  "Irene Baby, I got your favorite want me to cook," Bogum said sweetly to Irene. "Owaw," Irene shouted, pinching Bogum's cheeks. "What are doing?" Bogum asks as he wraps his arms around Irene. Lisa is taken aback by what she sees in her illusion. "I'm cleaning the plate," Irene says as she kisses Bugom, making Lisa gasp even more and placing her palm over her mouth.  "I will help Bunny Irene" He said "Really!?" Irene questioned, and Bogum simply nodded and kissed her.

Lisa drink the water and slam the glass hard after pouring hard the water that had already spilled on the table "YEAHHHHH!!! STOP RIGHT NOW!" Lisa shouted out of nowhere, and the illusion was over, and also startling Irene and Bogum because of the shout. They turned to gaze at Lisa "That's much better, I'm much happier now. It's all in my imaginations." Lisa mumbles something and walks away.

"She's odd," Bogum whispered but Irene heard it but she just chuckle "Yeah she's really weird" They then return to washing the plates. 


Irene and Bogum are in the pool, catching up on what's happening on in their lives. Sharing what's going on in their lives, both good and bad news. Bogum's behavior is similar to something like a boyfriend to Irene in that because whenever the wind blows, he tucks a hair strand behind Irene's ear and occasionally says something lovely, causing Irene to smack Bogum's shoulder. 

Bogum was about to sneak a kiss on Irene's cheeks when a small stone passed between Irene and Bogum's face, and the rock that was about to brush on Bogum's lips "Yaahh! did you just threw a rock at us? Did you do that?" Bogum's irritation may be heard in his voice when he asks a question.

Lisa chuckles as she scratches his neck, "Oh yeah, I thought I spotted a small shark in the pool." Her friends makes a low-pitched chuckle at the lemme reason.

"You almost hit us" Bogum reply.

"You didn't even get hit! if you didn't get hit, you can't do anything!" Lisa fired back and Bogum is about to stand up but Irene stop him. Irene just shake her head because of her jealous girlfriend.

"Why did you even say yes to her Irene" Bogum irritated said.

" You know she's my first love, my first crush, and we'll be together forever because I genuinely love her. I love her so much that I intend to make her fall in love with me and yes the Irene Bae did that. I have her now and will never let her go. I've already found my one" Irene lovingly said while gazing at the sky.

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