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As the days past I've been so happy like real happiness that I forget my problems about my family. Every time I space out because I think to my problems then Joohyun will get my attention that's when I look at her I am already smiling lovingly that is the power of Joohyun. It's so nice that I found my sunshine the happiness with a moment with my Joohyun.

After how many years I feel again the real happiness but it's different situation.

Waking up in the middle of the night for no reason and when I look beside me and there's no one that's when the tears escape it feels cold but now when I woke up in the middle of the night and shifting under the blankets and feeling the heat of the person next to me. I look beside me and I just saw the woman I love sleeping peacefully, Innocent and beautiful. That's when I starting to smile, I kiss her face in a gentle manner so as not to wake up her. She feel that someone kiss her then I feel a arm wrap around my waist that my lips turn into grin because of the hug. It doesn't get any better than that.

My thought was cut off when I feel kiss on my lips "What is in your mind that make you smile?" It was Joohyun so I hug her and place her head in my chest.

"You" I said caressing her back.

"That's good then" She giggle

"I wasn't expecting you. First I didn't think that we would end up together because I thought we just sisters like I feel to Jisoo a sister but the destiny go in the loving way. The single most extraordinary I've ever done with my life is to fall in love with you Bae Joohyun. I've never been seen so completely, love so passionately and caring so fiercely" I said while looking the beauty of my garden we are at my house right now waiting to our friends to come.

"The truth is I like you for a long time Lisa but I just I hide it so no one can tease me. A lot. You make me happy when I see you in the school. You make me laugh because of your jokes in the school. You're smart in my eyes. You're different because you are crazy and your smile alone can make my day" I was shock to her confession that she like me for a very long time.

"Ah really you like me for a long time am I that beautiful handsome in your eyes that I get your attention" I said playfully she push me and she glared at me.

"Not to brag, but I think we're cute together" I said just to stop her glared at me. I pull her and back hug.

"Yeah we're cute" She confirm happily.

"Ahmm a small and a tall definitely cute" I said and laugh she pull the hug and punch my stomach that made me stop.

"I'm might small but I can punch you hard" Joohyun said raising her fist I wanted to laugh because it looks cute but her punch is strong so I just keep it.

"Sorry for teasing your height but--" I stop "Oh!! Oh!! I won't say anything" I immediately said when Joohyun motion her fist up.

"You are lucky because I love you. You annoy me more than I ever thought possible. But I want to spend every irritating minute with you Babe" Joohyun said and peck my lips. Aish really it's been a week we are relationship but I still blush so hard even my ears.

"I really enjoy looking at you blushing and your ears HAHA" Joohyun tease me. Now she is the one who tease me.

We stay at the garden looking to the flowers I plant. The wind is also nice we tease, we laugh, we talk, we smile because of the amazing feelings, we stay silent.

"Lisa that flower is beautiful" Joohyun said pointing the flower "What is the name of that?" She ask me.

"Lisa that flower is beautiful" Joohyun said pointing the flower "What is the name of that?" She ask me

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