shifting views (octavian)

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𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰𝐬

          𝔒ctavian didn't care much for anyone. That was a well-known fact that nearly everyone at Camp Jupiter could attest to. Octavian cared for no one but himself.

It wasn't true, but with how he grew up and spoke, people often got the wrong idea of him and Octavian had never bothered to correct them. They didn't want to know him, so he just ended up playing into their ideas.

His parents, and their parents before them, and their parents before them, had all attended Camp Jupiter to train in the legion and work their way up the ranks. With that being the case, as soon as Octavian showed any sign of being a legacy, he suddenly had this overwhelming amount of pressure thrust onto his shoulders to be and do better than the rest of his family. To work harder that they had. They'd all made names for themselves and if he didn't, then he'd be considered a failure to the family legacy.

So, with the need to outdo and work harder than the rest of his family, Octavian had closed himself off from people his own age, to make sure that he rose up to the top and made a name for himself. He wouldn't be defined as a legacy of Apollo who's entire family had gone to Camp Jupiter. No, he'd stand on his own two feet, but it just didn't make him popular with the others.

Not to mention, as soon as he started hearing the voices of the gods, the other kids labelled him as a freak. 

This had always been his way of living and he was comfortable with not having anyone around him. At least that's what he told himself. In reality, the teenager was lonely.

He'd gone to the Wolf House at 11 years old, survived the training and made it to Camp, only to find that it was completely different to anything that he had imagined. Everyone there made friends easily and were able to talk to one another with no problem. Everyone, that was, apart from him.

As much as he tried, Octavian simply could not find a friendship group that he fitted in with. Having had no proper social interaction with kids his age because of his childhood, Octavian was left miles behind those around him. He couldn't talk to them about the football, because he didn't know what that was, or what school trips they'd been on before coming here.

Unable to connect with anyone, he threw himself into his ambition. It didn't take him long, for he had no other distractions to drag his mind away, for Octavian to rise up the ranks in his legion until he was co-centurion of the First Cohort, something that was overshadowed by his parents, who were both centurions of the Cohort on their own.

He hadn't written home about most of his achievements after that.

Finally, he believed he got his lucky break. He was named the Camp's Augur, charged with being a messenger for the gods and reading the signs to determine how things would go for the Camp. He did write home about that, glad the voices in his head were finally put to good use.

Only, it seemed, that Octavian was not the first person in his family to be an Augur. No, his great, great grandfather on his dad's sign was the Augur for Camp back when he was a teen.

So, Octavian aimed for something he knew that no one in his family had got. Praetor. That was the one thing that if he could get, he'd finally be considered the perfect son. Thus, he aimed for the next level higher and continued to block out others around him.

That was until she showed up.

Octavian had never noticed girls before, never allowing himself to have a crush on others or give them a second glance, for he knew that they would never go for him. Not when there were other leaders around who weren't supposedly crazy, like he was. It wasn't like he could help the voices in his head.

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