bear claws (frank zhang)

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This series of seven oneshots; Lightning Kisses, Bear Claws, Plans and Formulas, Soulmate Theory, Architectural Wonder, Pegasus Wings and Breaking the Mist are based off artwork made by @savysamiart. I have gotten permission from the artist to be using their artwork to show and make oneshots off of. Please find this artist at @savysamiart on Instagram or @savysami on tumblr and tiktok to show them some love and appreciate all of their art.

this oneshot contains major spoilers for the Trials of Apollo series

this oneshot contains major spoilers for the Trials of Apollo series

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          "𝔚ell, if it isn't my favourite camper?" Frank leant against the door frame, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly as I grinned at him. "How did you injure yourself this time?"

"'s actually a funny story?" I ushered him in, making him sit down in front of me as I helped him to pull his shirt off so that I could look at the wounds. "I just keep forgetting that I'm not in..."

He trailed off, a blush forming on his cheeks, as I began to observe the cut on the side of his chest close to the bear tattoos in the middle of chest.

"You know me," He finally finished, as I nodded.

"I do," Frank laughed, sheepishly, as I placed a cup of nectar in front of him and got ready to stitch up the cut. I didn't want to risk him burning up, so I had resorted to the mortal ways and it might also have been an excuse to see him more.

Frank Zhang, the co-praetor of New Rome, and I had become fast friends due to his constant need for medical attention. It seemed, that whilst he had a good enough grasp on his shifting ability, he had a proclivity for injuring himself whilst he did it. That had led to him darkening my door on many occasions because he needed patching up.

It also always seemed to happen on my shift.

"Okay, this is gonna hurt, tough guy," Frank blushed again at the nickname, letting out a nervous laugh.

"Let's get this over with," I grinned at him, before starting to stitch the cut up once more. In all fairness to him, Frank barely flinched, and the only way I could tell that he was in pain was because he kept grabbing onto the side of the bed and tensing up.

"Frank, relax," I stopped stitching, pressing my hand to his shoulder as the teenager turned to look at me. "It won't do you any favours if you're tense."

"It's just weird..." He looked down at the area I was stitching, before turning away once more as I tried to engage him in conversation to keep his mind off of it.

"You've got some new tattoos?" He nodded. Frank had a variety of tattoos, ranging in writing that he had gotten done in memory of his mother, or from a bet with his friends, to large bear paws that stretched across the top half of his chest.

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