plans and formulas (leo valdez)

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𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐬

This series of seven oneshots; Lightning Kisses, Bear Claws, Plans and Formulas, Soulmate Theory, Architectural Wonder, Pegasus Wings and Breaking the Mist are based off artwork made by @savysamiart. I have gotten permission from the artist to be using their artwork to show and make oneshots off of. Please find this artist at @savysamiart on Instagram or @savysami on tumblr and tiktok to show them some love and appreciate all of their art

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          𝔗he one downside of owning a café in the centre of New Rome was that you always had to be up ridiculously early to open it every single day. The soldiers living in the barracks, the centurions, the Praetors, all of them, were up ridiculously early, going about their day before most of the general New Rome population was awake. So, to get their business, you had to be up early to catch them.

It was the reason that I often found myself walking to the café in the early morning mist, that rolled in from the sea each night, with no one else around me apart from the lares, fauns and of course-

"Perfectly on time! And no weapons, wonderful!"

"I never have them, Terminus." I sent him a slightly grin, trying to fight the roll of my eyes. No matter how many times he saw me, for gods knows how many years, he always said the exact same thing. 

"Very well. Move along, young lady." I yawned again, moving past him as I pulled my keys from my pocket. I had a lot of them, each for a different thing, but I knew the one to my business easily. The bell dinged above the doorway, as I pushed it open and began to prep for the day ahead. I had to do wages for my workers, clean out the coffee machine and do a stock take that I'd put off from two days earlier.

"Morning," I glanced up from wiping the tables at the sight of one of the Praetors of the legions, Reyna, who already looked ready for the day ahead, not a single hair out of place. I had barely managed to get clothes on for my shift. I smiled at her, placing the coffee and treat down for her to take. "You, my friend, are a life saver."

"I try. Long day ahead of you?" She nodded in agreement, leaning on the counter top as she took a long swig of coffee, despite the fact that I knew it was going to burn her tongue. "That bad?"

"I've got a meeting with the Senate," Reyna replied as even I pulled a face. I'd heard many tales of horror about these Senate meetings. "A three hour long meeting with the Senate."

"That is bound to run over," She nodded at the thought, groaning already at the thought of it. "Just shoot me a text and I'll come and run you another pastry. Distracts me from college work anyway."

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