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I stood alone in a party filled with drunk idiots. I guess I'm also an idiot for agreeing to stay, I looked down at the solo cup in my hand. It was half full. I hate liquor. It tastes so shitty.

Picking my head up, I scanned the room I was in, hoping I would find Stan. Unfortunately, he was not there. At least no near my sight, that's for sure. Sighing, I started walking around, since I'm here now, might as well enjoy myself. Besides, when I make it back home, I could just say I was hanging out with Stan, I mean, it's not a lie. It's just not the complete truth.

There were many familiar and unfamiliar faces here. Where did these people even come from? I don't think half of these kids even go to our school... I couldn't help but cringe. What kind of morons would go to a party for a school they don't even attend?

Shaking my head, I walk over to the kitchen, placing the red solo cup on the counter. Should I leave instead? There's nothing fun here anyway. But if I leave, tomorrow at school I will have Stan giving me an earful on how I should've stayed for him. Why do I even bother with him? It's not like ignoring his plea will affect our friendship that much.

Wouldn't it? I mean, a friendship over 10 years wouldn't be affected so easily by breaking one single promise. It shouldn't. At least, I don't think it should. I'm getting too sentimental now, I should stop.

I didn't realize that someone was standing right in front of me as I was completely dazed in my thoughts. "Kyle."

I quickly looked up to see who was calling my name. It was the one and only Craig Tucker. "You need something?" I ask indifferently to his sudden appearance, I really hope he hasn't been calling my name for long or else that would be embarrassing.

He opened his mouth to say something, "Sorry, what did you say? I couldn't hear you," I proclaimed apologetically. The corners of his lips curled downwards as his brows knitted. He grabbed my wrist and led me out to the backyard. It was surprisingly quiet here.

"So, what were you saying?" I asked as I leaned on the wall, waiting for him to tell me what was important that he had to take me somewhere quiet for him to tell me.

"Back in the classroom, you dropped some papers while you were rushing to leave." He said, shrugging his shoulders, I wouldn't have minded it that much if I hadn't written something in there that could completely ruin everything I had going for me now. I clenched my fists and felt my chest tighten. "Did you read it?" I asked, feeling my palms get sweaty. He looked at me with that stupid poker face he always wears. "Well? Did you?" I muttered, now impatient.

"No. I didn't" liar. I gazed at his face to see he was now slightly smirking, fucking liar. "Maybe I should've, based on your expression, it seems like there's something written on it you don't want others to see." He said getting closer to me, I felt my breath hitch.

"Don't worry, even if I did see it, I wouldn't say anything. It's not like I really care about things like that." He said with a grin, I never realized how creepy his stupid face is when he doesn't have that dumb, expressionless face of his.

I sighed, "How could I get myself tangled in a mess with a guy like you..." I felt my knees buckle as I slide to the ground. I could hear him snicker, "Oh man, you're so gullible." He chuckled. I felt my heart skip a beat, ba-bump? "Don't worry, I'm not gonna blackmail with that information." He said.

"What information?" I said suspiciously, he looked at me confused, "What do you mean 'what information'? I'm obviously talking about your crush on Stan." He said, patting my head.

"My what." I said in disbelief, "I don't have a crush on Stan!"

He looked at me as if he didn't believe me, "I don't know how I can believe you by the way you look at him." I felt heat rise through my face, "I don't look at him in any sort of way." I paused, "Do I..?" I muttered, feeling a bit doubtful of myself.

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