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More and more people came to watch, some weren't even from our school. So the bleachers were extremely crowded, which lead to Craig and I being squashed together. Craig wrapped his hand on my arm, leaning me towards him so I wouldn't be completely squished.  Who knew he was such a gentleman? The game began shortly after. It was a football match, obviously since Stan was part of the team and was the quarterback. I honestly don't like football that much, nor do I know much about it other than what we learnt in gym class. Truthfully, Stan did fit the ideal quarterback anyways, he had all the requirements and was a great leader. Hence, why we won most to all of our games/matches against other schools/teams. Compared to me, the idea of getting jumped on for a ball by dudes with heavy helmets and buff bodies did not seem fun, which is why I'm better suited for basketball.

The first match we won, second, they did, third, we did. The game went on for about two hours and a half. When the game was over, I excitedly turned over to Craig. "Told ya!" I shouted, feeling proud. I nudged him excitedly, grinning ear to ear. He let out a laugh, "Yeah, you sure did." He smiled softly, I felt my heart skip a beat. He then stared at the ground for a while, seeming hesitant about something before looking up at me again. "Hey, do you want to—"

A voice suddenly overshadowed Craig's voice, "Kyle! Over here!" I whipped my head over and got up so quick when I realized who's voice it was. "Stan!" I called out, excusing myself before running down to him. "Congrats on the win!" I grinned while patting his back. He smiled, before nervously looking over at me then Craig, "Thanks dude, but why are you with Craig?" He hesitantly asked, a little confused with a hint of curiosity in his tone.

"He asked me to go with him, why what's up?" I smiled innocently and quite confused, I didn't see it as anything out of the ordinary. At least, that's how it felt to me, but Stan seemed to have other thoughts about it. "Nothing, just a bit curious is all. Why him of people, though? Wasn't there something going on between you two? Was he bothering you?" He asked, bargaining me with a bunch of questions, he seemed a bit concerned but as well as used another tone I can't distinguish. It felt different, that tone he used, I've never heard it before.

"We had a little misunderstanding, is all," Why am I explaining myself to him? "But don't worry, we're good now, we're friends." I chuckled awkwardly. He stared at me with an unreadable expression. "If you say so." He replied, a harsher, colder tone than before, or maybe it felt more distant. It was a tone I've never heard him use before. I couldn't help but feel startled. What was that?  I couldn't help but be the slightest bit annoyed and sort of bitter by his reaction, I came here to cheer him on and congratulate him, yet here he was being sulky about Craig, seriously?

I held my tongue though. He'd just won a big match, and I really didn't want to ruin his night by such a small thing. I sighed, softening my gaze. "Cheer up dude, what are you sulking for?" I patted his back, trying to lighten up his mood. He smiled again. Sometimes Stan really reminds me of a golden retriever or maybe more of a husky? His smile was so puppy like. Which made it more difficult not to feel your heart soften after seeing that charming smile. He's really got quite the skills, guess that's why half of the school's population wants to sleep with him.

"I got to get back to the team. They want to get drinks and food after this. As much as I would rather hang out with you, they won't let me go. I'll call you tonight, see you later, Ky." He grinned, ruffling my hair before running off. I couldn't tell it that thumping sound was my heart or the loud music in the back, I'd just pray he couldn't hear or how disheveled he left me. I prayed he didn't turn back, or else I wouldn't know how to react.

Stuck in a daze, I started to make my way back to Craig. I glanced at his face, making me snap out of trance. Fuck me! I forgot I completely ditched him for Stan! Shit, I'm praying he wasn't mad or anything. I sat next to him, "Hey Craig, sorry about that." I proclaimed apologetically. He shrugged as he was sipping on his drink. "You and Stan are that close, huh?" He poked, glancing over at me with those piercing deep emerald eyes. Under his gaze, I couldn't help but feel like I was being stared down to every inch of my body. It was honestly quite flustering.

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