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"Arghh, I can't take it anymore!" I exclaimed loudly as I slumped on my chair. Stan was lying on my bed on his back, scrolling through his phone as I was working on my homework on my desk.

"What's wrong with you this time?" Stan asked, confused and slightly startled by my sudden outburst. I quickly sat up straight, getting ready to rant to him. He noticed it and quietly sighed, "Oh boy..." He muttered under his breath as I was about to speak.

"It's Craig! I mean, for the past few weeks, we've been dating and everything fine and all! It's even great, actually! But whenever I try to kiss him or take things further, he always comes up with some lame excuse! Like what the fuck do you mean you need to walk your guinea pig?" I groaned loudly as I explained.

Stan stared at me in disbelief. "Dude, no fucking way you just told me that. Haven't you ever heard of TMI??" He jokingly said, knowing damn well there wasn't such a thing as too much information in our friendship.

I rolled my eyes as I watched him go back on his phone. I stared at him intensely, practically burning holes into him with how much I was staring. I was waiting for him to give me an answer. He sighed as he noticed my staring, "Why don't you just ask him straight up then?" He shrugged as he continued to scroll through his phone.

"I can't do that! That'll make me seem desperate, dude!" I exhaled loudly, I groaned, frustrated at this stupid dilemma of mine. I slammed my face on the desk, thinking of what to do.

"Dude, seriously cut it out. Just be straight up and tell him, or you'll have blue balls for the rest of your life at this point." He rolled his eyes. He was completely tired of my whining, but it's not like he would admit it.

I kept quiet, thinking about it. The idea crossed my mind, but the humiliation would be too much to bear, how was I even supposed to ask? I let another exaggerated sigh, resulting in Stan throwing a pillow at my head for my annoying sighing.


I was walking through the empty hallway, heading home after class ended. I was casually lounging around the place, I didn't want to head back so early, yet Stan and the other guys were busy, so I was alone.

The idea of asking Craig to hang out lingered on my mind, I wanted to see him again even though it's only really been an hour since I last saw him.

I was lazily walking around, looking like an idiot as I purposely walked in a stupid way that made my legs stretch out. As I was walking, I noticed Craig. I frozed as I noticed he was talking with Tweek, I felt a pang of jealousy in my chest.

A part of me knew I shouldn't interfere or be nosy. Yet I know damn well that's nothing like me, I walked up to them and wrapped my arm around Craig's shoulder. I grinned widely as I smiled at them. "Hey guys! Whatcha talking about?" I spoke in a friendly voice, trying to ignore the stupid aching in my chest.

Tweek seemed slightly awkward to see me, but he smiled back. Craig gazed at me with an unreadable expression. It was slightly frustrating since I couldn't comprehend what was going on in his head.

"H-Hey Kyle! Ack, we were just talking about S-Stripe." Tweek smiled as he looked at him. I felt a rush of embarrassment run through my body as I realized I had interfered in such a simple conversation. But of course,  I didn't let it show to keep the remaining dignity and pride I had.

"Is that so?" I smiled awkwardly, trying not to give away my embarrassment or awkwardness. Although, I think my tone gave it away. Craig gazed at me, letting out a small 'pfft'  as he gazed away from both of us. Fuck, he caught on already, didn't he? I thought to myself as I awkwardly smiled, my face slightly flushed.

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