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I didn't know how to feel about it. I felt my heart sank, and my head was racing. Everything hurt and felt like shit. If I was going to sleep with anyone, I'd at least want to be sober. I got up out of the bed without making any noise or minimizing the noise as much as possible so he wouldn't wake up. Fuck why did it have to be him?

I grabbed my jeans and quickly pulled them up, as I was zipping them, I suddenly got a wave of memories. I stumbled as I put on my shoes. "Fuck." I muttered.

"Kyle?" I suddenly froze, shit shit shit. Craig woke up. He was about to turn over to me before I immediately dashed out. It's too fucking early to deal with this shit. As I was running, I heard him call my name, but I didn't know how I'm gonna face him or myself.

I hate parties so much. I wish I had never come. Those two dick faces had left me alone, and I ended up with the person I least wanted to see. When I got far enough, I pulled out my phone and texted Stan, then called David.

After a few rings, he picked up, "Kyle, what's up?" His voice was raspy, and it sounds like he just woke up. "Where were you?" I spat out, I felt frustrated and angry. He began explaining himself, but my thoughts felt louder than ever. Eventually I couldn't help but tear up, "Fuck..." I muttered.

"Are you okay? Kyle? Did something happen last night?" He asked, full of concern. How can I even explain the situation? I ended the call and leaned my back against the wall. I let myself fall to the ground, bringing my knees up to my face as I cried. Why is this happening to me?


Now I was the one avoiding Craig. Whenever I saw him or caught a glimpse of him, I went running. I didn't want to face him, I didn't want anything to do with him. Who could I even talk to this about? I sighed, I was walking with Stan to my next class as he ranted about some girl.

"Hey Kyle, are you alright?" He asked, snapping me back to reality. I looked over at him before turning away again. "Yeah. I'm fine." I dryly replied, my throat was dry, and my tongue felt like sandpaper. Stan looked extremely worried about me. It seemed like everyone was walking eggshells around me, but I didn't know what to do.

Of course, I couldn't avoid Craig forever, and as much as I wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out again, that wasn't an option either. Not to mention, he seemed reluctant about doing anything sexual with me. Did he not like it? I sighed. Maybe it's just me being caught up in these weird feelings. Maybe it didn't mean that much to him as it did for me.

Thinking about it only made me feel more depressed. It'll eventually die down though, and my life will go back to how it was before. At least that's what I wanted to happen, but I couldn't help but hoped for something else, yet I ran away.

As I kept indulging myself in my pity party, I had bumped into someone. "Sorry." I muttered, not looking up. I thought they would move and go on with their life, but they stood there, unwilling to move. Confused, I was about to walk around them before they grabbed my arm and pulled me to them, the fuck?

I looked up to see it was Craig, great, just perfect. I was trying to pull away before he slammed me onto a locker, gripping both of my arms tightly. I hissed at the pain, "What the fuck Craig!?" I yelled at him, hoping he'd come to his senses and realize what a dick he's being right now.

"So now you look at me?" He gritted through his teeth, I flinched. Was he mad? What did he have to be mad about? I gulped and stared at him, unsure of what to say or do next. "There's too many people here..." I muttered, not wanting to cause a scene for the whole school to record and post, especially not with something so private.

He kept silent and loosened his grip on my arms, but then quickly grabbed my hand and led me away again. What is with these guys and their obsession with dragging me around everywhere? I felt my heartbeat increase to my ears, I was anxious, I didn't know what was to come next, and I didn't feel ready.

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