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As my lips pressed against his, I felt him wrap his arms around my waist, making my lean even closer. Although I had many kisses before, it was nothing like this. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, tugging onto his hair with one hand, afraid that as if I let go, I'd completely lose myself. His face gave an unrecognizable expression, his brows were furrowed, as his face became a deep shade of red as he roughly kissed me. His ears were bright red, as well as his knuckles, yet his face remained white as snow. His composure was seemly gone, I've never seen such a face before, yet I couldn't help but adore it more. A simple thought slipped into my mind, I want to see all of him.

We had kissed as if we were desperate for each other, craving human affection and touch in such a way that seemed we had been waiting since forever. When we finally pulled away for air, I realized what I had done. I felt my eyes widen, fuck, fuck, fuck. I turned to look up at him, his face suddenly changed as well. He seemed stunned by my reaction. I don't know what expression I was making, but it was clear it wasn't anything good. He scoffed and looked over to the side, "Seriously? You kiss me first, yet why are you making that face? Why is it filled with such regret? Do you really dislike me that much?" He forced out his voice, seemingly restrained. I did nothing but stand there and stare at him like an idiot. "I... I didn't mean to, that wasn't supposed to happen!" I tried to justify my actions, tried to find some sort of excuse, but I couldn't.

I had been the one to kiss Craig, I initiated it, and yet I didn't even know why. I clenched my fists, what is wrong with me these days? I gazed at his face, his emerald eyes, looking down at me, with the upmost fury and sorrow. "Go home Kyle, just, go home." He sighed, not facing me as he turned around, walking back inside his house. I came here to resolve things but it seems like I just made them even worse.


I got up the next morning, feeling like absolute shit. Should I just fake being sick to stay home? I thought about it, but the amount of homework and lessons I'd missed would come to haunt me. I groaned as I fell off my bed from internally whining. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't deny it, that kiss with Craig did feel good. It kept replaying in my head, every sound, wisp, breeze, rustle made me flinch, constantly reminding me of it. If we didn't stop, how far would we have gone? I felt my face heat up while I thought about it. I touched my lips, I couldn't get the thought out of my head. I really have turned into a full on douchebag.

As I finished getting dressed for school, I then shortly made my way to the bus stop. I saw Stan there, surprisingly. He excitedly waved at me, urging me to come over there. I chuckled as I made my way over to him, "Hey dude," I greeted him, giving him a soft smile. His happy expression suddenly changed, seemingly having a realization, he grabbed my shoulders, "Ky, I'm so sorry I completely forgot to call you last night!" He apologized and went ranting a bunch of excuses, acting like I was going to kill him if he didn't. To be honest, I completely forgot about that, I shrugged his hands away, "You know, I did forget about it as well, but since you reminded me..." I cooed, wanting to tease him a bit further, seeing him in such a panicked state was sort of amusing.

He paused, then seemed to realize something. "Hey Ky, why are your lips so swollen?" He asked, seeming suspicious. Without thinking, I quickly covered my mouth. It was only one kiss, and it was hours ago, how are they even!? Stan seemed surprised by my reaction, his eyes widened. I felt my face flushed as I kept recalling that... kiss. I turned my head the other way, "It's nothing! It's because of the, uh, cold! Yeah, cold." It wasn't a full lie though, it was really cold, it just was only half truth, or well, less than the truth. He stared intensely, he then grabbed my wrists, tearing my hands away from my face. "Did you kiss someone?" He said with a smug look, "Who knew you were so naughty to come to school with your lips that bad." He teased, then started making fun of me. God, give me the strength not to punch him.

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