Chapter 7

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Still Kenesha's Prov

The Next Day

So at the moment I'm driving Ishanti and I in my car to this rich guy's house to talk about the nanny job. I hope it's not hard being a nanny and I hope he doesn't have alot of kids. After driving for 3 hours, we finally pulled up to an enormous gate that looks to be automatic. No matter how much we try, we can't see the house from the gate, so I know this person must love their privacy.

"Hello, how can I help you?" a voice said through a speaker that was on the wall. "umm is this the home of Mr. Combárdo?" "Yes it is and how may I help you."

"I'm here about the nanny job that was in the papers." "yeah well, Mr. Combárdo is very busy at the moment and won't be able to see you. Would you mind coming back tomorrow." the guy on the speaker said. I then turned to look at Ishanti in disbelief while she just shrugged and went back to scoping out the are.

"umm well, I can't do that, you see I'm not from around here and I had to drive 3 hours to get here. All I want to do is talk about the job and go back home to get some rest, OK, so tell your boss that he's got some very tired and pissed off women out here waiting for him. So he should come quickly."

"but ma... " "boy, just go tell the man what I said,and let him know I'm not leaving until I speak to him about the job." after saying that I rolled up my window so I couldn't hear what he said back.

I turned to Ishanti and said "Who the fuck does he think he is? Come back tomorrow mi blotclat (Its a Jamaican cus word)."

"kenesha would you calm down, he probably had something very important to do."

"yeah, I know. I don't know why I was acting like that, maybe it's because I'm hungry and tired.

"What if I don't get the job because of how I behaved just a moment ago." I asked her even though I wasn't really worried

"Your acting like it would be the first it would happen. Remember that clinic you used to work, and how you where fired because you fought an old man."

"How many times do I have to tell you guys I wasn't fighting him. He was behaving like his usual self 'groping people',and I wasn't in a good mood already. All I did was grab his hand to remove it from off my butt and he cried out, making it look like I was abusing him. What made it worse was that the boss didn't really like me and was trying to find a way to fire me.Which he did eventually get to do." I said defending myself

After about 15 minutes of waiting we saw a guardsman car coming towards the gate from the other side. The gate opened, the car came out and stopped,then the doors opened and 6 bulky men came out each holding a sniper gun. On instinct I began reaching for 'my' gun in my glove compartment.

Ishanti looked at me with a 'why do you need your gun' look and I gave her a 'bitch have some sense' look. "Kenesha!" she whisper shouted "what?" "why?" she asked pointing at the gun in my hand. "Don't you see those guys have guns, if anything I'm being extra precautious. We don't even know what we're getting ourselves into." I whispered back to her

One of the guardsman walked up to my window and said "Excuse me ladies, but you wanted to meet with Mr. Combárdo,right" "yeaahh" I answered suspiciously "Well as routine, we have to do a car search and a pat down of whoever that comes in to ensure their not carring any weapons that can harm Mr. Combárdo. "Are people trying to kill him?" "We don't know Ma'am, but it's just to make sure nothing happens."

Groaning I said "Fine, Ishanti get out of the car" "What, why should we trust them or what their saying?" she questioned "I don't know, but something in me is saying I should trust them, so I'm going to trust them."

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