Chapter 32 (What Ever Major Loser)

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3 days later

Today's the day. Today's the day of the final fight The fight everyone's been talking about and making bets on. Yes I know about the bets and no, I'm not gonna stop them, matter of fact, the bets that are on me losing are one of the many things keeping me hyped up for this fight.

That along with the need to embarrass both Jason and Lady Marrenette.

I'm currently in my chambers waiting for the fight to start and the bars to lift open. With my head against the covers metal wall, I could make out faint but clear as day talking coming from the other side.

"You have to take the shot." says a voice I make out to be Jason's and he could only be talking to "But I hate needles!" Lady Marrenett. God I hate those too.

"The shot consists of Pentosim, it gives you more energy, strength and resistance. And if your gonna beat that disgusting nigger your gonna need this shot."

"You know I never fully understood why you're helping me. I want the crown and to be Leonard's mate. I don't necessary hate her, I just hate the fact that she's Leonard's mate and not me.  But why exactly do YOU hate her?"

There was a moment of silence before "They took her away from me!" he screams bursting out into a sob afterwards

When those black disgusting humans set that shop on fire 10 years ago, they took her away from me. They took my daughter away from me!"

"Luna Jason, the fire started on accident. Those humans didn't know that the cigarette was still lit, they couldn't have known. And how is it that you only hate the black humans and not the white ones or the Asian ones? There were 8 of them 5 black, 2 white and 1 Asian and you only hate the black ones? That sinking like a stupid reason to hate black people."

"The black ones where the only ones smoking!" he shouts "Just take the damn shot."

"Fine. But I'm only doing this Because I want to be Luna."she says then a painful hiss is heard "Alright your good. Now go beat her to a pulp and don't hold back."

I'm not even shocked their cheating. What bothers me is the substance their using to do so. Pentosim is very dangerous and can only be found on the black market. I know this because I'm friends with a couple guys from the black market and I've once taken pentosim before , it wasn't good."

Pentosim might give you strength, resistance and energy, but it weakenss the mind and the red blood cells. Which means she won't be able to think properly after 30 minutes and if she sustains an injury the red blood cells won't clot and heal the wound.

Her vision is also gonna become foggy and wonky So she won't be able to use all that strength, resistance and energy. Which makes the fight less interesting and way too easy.

A couple minutes later the barriers are lifted up and we both step out. The match begins and the fight was on.
I attached straight ahead trying to finish this match before 30 minutes when the symptoms should kick in. She fights a little but kept douging the whole time.  I started backing away trying to understand why she isn't fighting back, and seeing this she rushes forward. But before she could get to me, she begins to slowdown and was full on wobbling during her now sloth like strides.

She falls and just lays there. Knowing this fight just got boring, I slowly walk over and Bend down to talk to her. With an unimpressed look I shake my head and say "Why'd you take the shot Marionette? You didn't have too, now look at you. Lying there filled with confusion, regret and embarrassment."

With a loud sight I grab her by the head and begin pulling her up "let's just get this over with if this is how the fights gonna be. It's sad really because I was really looking for- Ouch you Bitch!" a small sudden but painful pain was felt throughout the arm I held her head with.

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