Chapter 23

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Once I was fully awake and conscious, the kids made sure to fill me in on that happened to them after I jumped out of the car, and I filled them in on what happened to me after I jumped out of the car. I did include the killing scenes in my story but had to stop because Leonard didn't want then to hear that part. But whenever he wasn't around I told them because they wanted to know, shhhhh, don't tell him.

They loved the story and made my tell it over and over again everytime they came to visit me in the hospital. They even had me retell it again after being discharged from the hospital my first day back home.

2 days after being back home Dwacia and I started practicing immediately, with Leonard constantly checking up on us. He insists that I not do any dance moves that are too intense by his account.

I know some of you are wondering why are we practicing when we aren't sure we got into the next round. Well, we did get into the next round. Dwacia showed me the letter on of their visits. She was so excited and happy I couldn't contain my smile even if I wanted to.

The second round of the competition is happening right now and has to be done with 3 persons. So all the pairs had to find another person to join them, this was told to us in the letter.

We decided to use one of Dwacia's friends. She's a cute little blond with blue eyes that is way too energetic for me. Like on our fist day if practice I had to tell her to tone down her happiness a little, because her squeals are gonna leave me deaf before our performance.

She's too nice and I don't like people that are too nice. Ask my friends, they'll tell you. Its by a miracle Sannia and I became friends because Sannia is waaay too nice and I hated it then and still hate it now. She knows too and would be overly nice to strangers whenever I'm around just to piss me off and to see the look I give her everytime.

When it was our turn we went on, gave it our best and got great comments from the judges and great reactions from the audience.

You guys know what to do with this, you can stop watching at 1:and some seconds.

Leo treated us to ice-cream and a home cooked meal made by him. As expected, it was delicious. Did I tell you guys that this man can cook and bake. It's like god made him just for me. I mean literally, he has everything I would look for in a partner. Too bad I'm not looking for a partner haha.

Anyways, after dinner and dessert, we watched a movie together, then played cards, then went to bed. I however had a warm shower before going to bed, and just as I was about to fall asleep, someone comes bursting into my room. Jumping up from the bed I grabbing my gun out my night table drawer and pointed it at the door.

Once my eyes have fully adjusted, I realize that the person is Leo, I was tempted to shoot him in the legs and justify it by 'I didn't realize it was him.'

"Damn girl, your fast."
"Not fast enough you should of been dead."

I stood up from the side of the bed and got back under my covers. "What is it that you woke me up for Leonard."

"It's to tell you something I forgot to earlier."
"Well what is it?"
"My parents are coming here tomorrow."
"What?" I shouted, turning to look him in the eyes "what?"

"Yeah, and my brothers and sister too. Sooo, behave yourself because I know how you can get and I know how my family can get."

"The fuck, your just telling me this now? What the fuck is wrong with you man?"

"There's nothing wrong with me, shut up. And for that, your gonna need to clean 15 of our guestrooms by yourself." he says and begins to walk out the room.

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