Chapter 22

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Talent Show

"And our last performance will be from a unique Duo. Please welcome the Combárdo's." the principal shouted excitedly

From behind the curtain Dwacia and I could clearly hear the boys, Justin, Justice, Joceline, Shane and Tory cheering loudly. I don't understand why Dwacia wanted to call us the Combárdo's though.
There were so many other names she could of come up with, but she chose the Combárdo's.

Well, it's too late, we can't change it now. Shouldn't have let her pick out name.

We got into our positions as the curtain rose. We then began performing our dance routine with me playing the role of the man and Dwacia obviously the role of the woman.

OK I know this isn't my video or this isn't us but, I want you all to just imagine Carlton (I don't remember his real name) as a woman, me and Whitney as a young teenage girl, Dwacia.

We danced our hearts out the entire performance giving it our all and when we were finished everyone was on their feet clapping. Except Lady Marrenette, her friends (some fellow parents) and Lady Marrenette's daughter and her friends and a couple other people.

We did our bows, listened to the judges comments (which was mostly praise ) and walked off stage.Then, we got changed and met up with the boys and their friends.

"Mom! Let's eat out tonight to celebrate on that awesome performance you guys just gave." suggested Damarian

"Yeah, let's eat out tonight. I want burgers." shouted Deshawn with glee while running around us making aeroplane noises with his mouth.

To me, it sounded like a great idea so I agreed "sure, why not? We deserve it, right Dwacia?"
"Plus, we haven't eaten out in a while and I've been dieing to taste the food served at that fancy Italian restaurant in that small town in the woods you guys toke me to last time."

"Can we come?" asked asked Justin referring to himself along with Justice, Joceline, Shane and Tory

"Of course. As long as its OK with your parents." "yeah, we're sure it's OK, they won't mind."

"Yeahh. Why don't you call them and ask them first before jumping to conclusions." I told them

"No, we're su-"
"Call Them. Look, I'm just being sure your parents know where we're going and who your with. I'm black and there are 10 little white it's here . That doesn't look good.
You guys might not think that's a big deal and trust me I wish it wasn't, but because of the society we live in, it is."

"So, get in the car." I said and they all piled into the car including Damon's friends after they called their parents and we head off to the small town in the woods.

As we made it into the woods and started heading up the path to the town. I so happen to glance out the drivers side window and saw a bunch of glowing yellow eyes staring at the car as it passes by. Feeling uneasy but not wanting to startle the kids, I turned the music up a little to distract them and maybe keep them from looking out any of the windows.

After about 2 minutes of seeing glowing eyes, they stopped and I thought to myself "I hope that wasn't what I think it is, I have little energy left in me, but not enough to deal with that." All my energy was used up in the performance and the before practice.

As we're getting closer to the town "according to Desmon" something hit the car from behind. I looked through the side mirrors to try and see who or what hit us, and I saw nothing. But as I was focusing back on the road ahead, something slammed into my side of the car.

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