chapter 18

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Kenesha's Prov

It's Sunday and my joints and muscles are sore, really, really sore. Why are they sore? Well, my body is sore from the very intense exercise the kids decided to put me through, because they don't love me anymore.

And if I can remember exactly, it went something like this.

Q Memory

I was lying on my bed peacefully scrolling through people's facebook page, while texting my friends and family in Jamaica.

I was in the middle of replying to one of my moms texts, when I heard a bunch of footsteps running up the stairs to the floor I share with Leonard, and since Leo isn't here, I'll correctly assume their coming to me.

I threw my phone on my side table and rolled over turning my back to the door, praying They'd think I was asleep and not bother me. Well, it didn't work.

The kids came bursting into the room and screamed for me to get up. They all then jumped on me and my bed, then they carried on with shaking and annoying me.

"Mom, get up, get up, get up!" shouted Deshawn while he sat on the bed in front of me trying to pray my eyes open.

" Yeah mom, get up and join us in our Sunday family work out." urged Damon while the others continued to jump up and down on my bed.
Pretending to be asleep during all this is impossible. So I begrudedly turned to lie on my back so I could look them in the eyes and give them my most annoyed, angry and dissaproval look ever.

"What? What is it? Why are you guys bothering me on a Sunday? You know I like to sleep in on Sunday's."

" We know, but we have to do our Sunday morning family exercise." Said Damarian

"And what does that have to do with me? I don't normally join you during these exercises. Just let me sleep in, it's the only day I get to do that. "

"Dad is the one who normally joins us but he's not here. So, your gonna fill in for him."

" No I'm not, go do it yourselves and leave me alone. I want to sleep in."

"Mom. You know you can go back to sleep once we're finished right, it's Sunday. Not much work to do." said Damarian

"Yeah it's Sunday and you know what Sunday is? It's leave me the fuck alone so I can sleep in day."

"MOM!" They all shouted while Damon covers Deshawns ears. With shocked looks on their faces they all said "What's with you and the cussing?" simultaneously

"It's my third language."

"Moooom." they winned

"Fine, alright, I'm coming."
"Oh shut up. Now go down into the gym and begin warming up I'll be down in a minute." I told them while walking over to my closet to find something to wear.

I picked out a green and black jogging suit along with a black joggers shoes. I then headed down to leo's indoor gym. The kids were still doing warm ups when I got down, so I just joined in.

We excersised for 5 hours straight, with only 5 minutes break between every hour. They were killing me.

Memory Ends

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