Chapter 16

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Kenesha's Prov

It's officially day 3 of being a single parent (kinda). Everything is going great, the kids are doing well, both in school and at home especially Damon. Ever since the incidence he's been extra nice, helpful and clingy. He even volunteered to do all the chores and shopping when Stacy and Sannia isn't here. Stacy said I'm not to use my hands for 5 days, and since there are chores that needed to be done, I called Sanni. I told her what happened and asked her if she can drop the kids off and pick them up from school, along with doing some other chores that are around the house until my hands are better.

Being a good friend, she said and I quote "Girl, you didn't have to ask. I'll take a week off work and come stay with you and the kids. We haven't spent anytime together for months, now's the opportunity. Plus you don't have to go anywhere, I'm coming to you." I said yes and she came over right away saying she'll go all out for me because if she was in my situation I'll go all out for her.

I chuckled to myself when she said that because, I don't know where she got that from. I would go a little out my way to help her, but not all out. I'm not 'that' generous, I think.

So she came over and have been with us for 2 days and she's been nothing but a pain in my ass. She's been babying the kids ever since she got here, officially wiping their minds of what I taught them. We've been arguing over our different styles of parenting ever since she stepped through those doors.

She's been doing stuff the kids are perfectly capable of doing themselves and the kids, are loving every minute of it. If I'm not there to put my foot down, they'll probably walk all over her and she would let them.

This is my first time entering the kitchen since this morning because, everytime I'm in the kitchen, Sannia is doing something worth cussing over. Walking into the kitchen I stopped right in my tracks in disbelief of what I'm looking at.

Sannia is ironing clothes, I'm ok with that but she's also folding them and putting them away which is Damon's job. She's also making sandwiches for god knows who and cooking soup. Pissed doesn't describe how I'm feeling right now.

"weh di bloodclaat a gwan yah suh!?"(Jamaican for my Jamaican people)

"What the fuck are you doing in hear!?" (English for my other people)

"umm, I'm doing the chores." she says like it ain't the most obvious thing.
"well you see, that's where your wrong. Ironing is your chore because it was mine, folding and putting the clothes away is Desmon's chore and WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON OVER HERE?" I yelled the last part pointing at the counter that is covered in junk and at the stove covered in boiled over soup.

"I'm making sandwiches for Dwacia and her friend and soup for Demarian."
"mmhm, can you tell me why your doing all of this along with ironing."

" Well, Desmon is on the phone with his friends, Dwacia is upstairs with her friends watching a movie and Damarian is playing video games in his room."
"And have they done their homework's yet?
"well no, bu...." I cut her off by holding my hand up and started walking around the island With my hands on my hips, trying to calm myself down.

" Sannia, there is a reason why those children have chores, OK, it's to teach them responsiblity along with getting them to help out around the house. It took me months, MONTHS, to get those kids to learn and understand how to do their chores and your putting alllll my efforts to waste. On top of that, those kids are totally taking advantage of you."

"No their not." she argued

Sighing she says "Would you please stop the cussing and shouting?"
"W..w...s... S... stop.. the cussing and Shouting?"
"OK... OK... OK.. " I said nodding my head slowly walking out the kitchen backwards, while trying to contain my anger. Once I'm at the foot of the staircase, I took a deep breath in and

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