Chapter 25

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Flash back

"Grandpa, Grandad your here!" the kids shouted once they spotted Jason and Gus. They ran over to them hugging them once they got close enough.

"I'm so happy you're here. Have you met mommy yet?" asked Deshawn

"Mommy? Mommy's here? I didn't know she was here. Where is she?" Jason asks

"There she is!"Deshawn shouted excitedly pointing at me. Jason looks up at where he is pointing and immediately develops a sore face.

"OK, now this has gone too far." he say
"I swear he's like a toothache. Everything seems alright until some thing touches it." I mumbled to Leo

Flashback ends

The argument that ensued after Jason found out that Leonard's kids call me mom now, was by far my best argument yet. I enjoyed every moment of it, even the times where he would throw racist remarks at me.

There was a moment where it almost got physical. What happened was, I said something Jason really didn't like and that pissed him off completely. He launched at me, turning into his wolf in the process tackling me to the floor and biting into my left arm. And obviously me having fought meaner and much bigger wolves in my life (ever since I found out they were real) easily over powered him. But before either of us could really do any damage, I was pulled off by Gus while Leo pulled his father up from off the floor and out of the sitting room.

Gus pulled me outside where he them proceded to yell at me for fighting back when I knew I could have easily killed him. Which is true. Ever since I met Gus I've been training (by Gus) for the moment those rogues come looking for me, or I run into them.

The train I got from Gus was to help me fight werewolves in their human and wolf forms. Since I already knew karate, kung fu, street and kick boxing and other forms of martial arts. Not to mention I'm really good at using weapons.

But I haven't practiced my form or technique for a long time, since I wanted to focus on my nursing career.

So after our yelling match, we both apologized to each other and went back inside where Jason and I were forced to apologize to each other.

Leo and I then helped everyone get settled in and it's been going great for the past 2 weeks, other that a few thrown insults here and there.

Yes, the dance competition finals have passed and no, we didn't win. Lady Marrenett and her daughter won, even thought the whole crowd in attendance hated their routine. Since it was very sexual and inappropriate.

Yes, Leonard's family attended so did Sannia, Ishanti and Sabrina. The night was almost ruined by Jason because he kept insulting me and my friends, which ended with Sabrina, Ishanti and of course me, putting him in his place.

Sannia didn't really say anything, she just watched on while giving Jason some painful glares. We celebrated together and sent the kids home early with Jason since he was ruining the fun and stayed out till 5 in the morning.
Right now at this very moment I'm at the mall with the kids and Leonard's sisters, shopping for clothes to wear to the ball Jason is hosting tonight that is being held at the packs banquet hall. Every pack of the werewolf kingdom will be there and guess what? It's a full moon.

Yes, I was and still am pissed too, when I checked the calendar and realized that Leonard messed up the dates of the full moon. There is a full moon in the next 4 months but, there also was one in the next 2 weeks, which is today/ toning to be exact.

And Jason is holding a huge ball/party not only for the pack but for the entire werewolf kingdom. Leonard and Gus tried to cancel the party since they didn't want to risk anyone finding out that Leonard has a mate, but it was too late and every alpha from around the world has already started making their way here.

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