Chapter 1

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The festival and where it all starts

John Cohan wakes up every night after having a terrible nightmare, a nightmare that seems familiar every night yet today, the nightmare that he's been having for a few months seems to be a lot more involved and a lot more intricate.
His dreams seem to be becoming more, real or so it seems.
John Cohan works at a small company. He is one of the technicians at the company and also gets to do some accounting for the business from time to time.
He is a short five feet and six inches tall man, slender with dark brown long hair. Brown eyes, dark skin tone. He could be more attractive if he took care of himself a bit more. He has old worn clothes and does not care about hygiene at this point in his life.
He's been working for years yet no one ever notices anything he ever does and is one of those guys that hide in the dark, in the corners and nobody has any meaningful conversations with him in the corridors or by the water cooler.
He knows he doesn't want work there any-longer; At the age of 30 he thought he would be doing a lot more than what he does with his pathetic life; the recent passing of his mother he has become depressed and lonely.
John has never been married, no children; parents didn't really leave much before as a young man, no siblings and no social life doesn't nor does he have a girlfriend. He is in a really gloomy state of life.
The only thing going for him is his questioning stability and keeping his job. He doesn't really have anything to complain about; he's got a stable income and he gets to pay the rent on time every month.
John hasn't been taking care of himself most of the time. No illness of physical defect, in fact he is in good physical condition. He looks ragged and tired, lacking sleep bags under his eyes and very messy hair, shirt half tucked in.
Fucking hasn't polished his shoes in years. John doesn't know how to drive a car and doesn't believe in driving. The problem is because of his mother passing away in a car accident, he prefers taking a bicycle to work or walking. It is because he doesn't live far from his office, but he gets good exercise.
It is that time of the year the town festival is coming up and the weather is not looking too great so he plans to take a stroll down to the festival. On his way there he is reminded of the terrible nightmares he has been having, the more vivid dreams of him flying through space and time, becoming one with everything, so it seems.
John is a very smart guy, always watched the sci-fi shows and how things work but these dreams are way too far fetched and he is constantly reminded that if he had to speak about these events people would crucify and ridicule him for being a crazy person. He is already a weird and strange looking character to begin with.
The festival is a big deal for everyone in town, everybody goes and even for a few hours most people cannot miss most of the bands that play, kids playgrounds and especially the beer garden. This is where he finds himself this evening, at the beer garden. Lights, people, buzzing and humming of noises and people talking and laughing out loud. Not his scene, but he has to get out and try to socialize once in a blue moon.
He didn't bring an umbrella, he instantly regrets not learning how to drive so he can avoid these unfortunate mishaps of getting wet while walking in the rain, well not too bad weather he isn't drenched but the idea of freezing and sitting with hundreds of people in a beer garden, does not sit well with anybody.
After he gets his ticket and his beer; naturally he scouts around to find a place to sit and contemplate life; once again. He stands at the bar where he received his order, but his attention catches a group of people that is making a bit of a ruckus.
He decides to stand and observe what's going on. While he loses himself watching them, Andrew Thornewood notices him staring. Andrew is a tall pale skinned redhead. Eagle eyed and bearded prominent male with loads of testosterone running through his veins. He is well dressed with jeans and a white T-shirt and a brown leather jacket.
With no hesitation Andrew stands up, quiets everybody down and calls out to John. "Hey you, wanna stare at something else?"
John Quickly turns around realizing he was staring like a creep.
Andrew shouts at John. "Hey, dude come here I want to introduce you to somebody." As Andrew repeats himself. "You don't want me to come over and drag your ass over here do you?"
John gets a bit scared. He is short but slender and in good health but not a fighter and hates conflict, always trying to avoid and saying sorry, this gets him bullied a bit.
He turns around and tries to explain he was just lost in a moment but Andrew starts walking over.
"Listen really dude you need to come over here let me introduce you to my friends you look lonely and in need of company. "
Very hesitantly John nods his head and introduces himself. "Hey by the way I am John Cohan. Pleased to meet you." As he politely tries to make himself humble and small but trying to be social.
"Adrew Thornewood! Is my name friend! Come let's get back to my table and let the beer get warm!" As they walk over to the table, Andrew introduces Jack, Lisa and Nicky.
"We are all Thornewoods, so leave our sisters alone." As Andrew announces to John.
"So John, this is Jack Thornewood, he is my best brother since... a million years ago." As he laughs and grabs Jack and gives him a real man hug!
"This is Lisa Thornewood, bro! She has been part of my familia group for ... just as long as old Jacky boy over here. You will like Lisa." Andrew winks at Lisa.
Lisa has dark hair, very long in a french ponytail, green eyes and is kind of tall standing at five feet nine. She is dressed in a long flower pattern dress. Covering her feet and shoes, might just be sandals.

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