Chapter 3

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The transformation

The next morning, things seem very different. John wakes up on the floor, feeling strange, very strange. As he gets up from the floor he realizes that he does not feel like he should feel.   As he rushes downstairs to the mirror in the entrance hall.. what he sees shocks him beyond belief! He is staring back at something else completely! This massive beast-like creature! A dragon but no wings, golden skin and dark eyes that seem to pierce the soul just by staring quickly! He has golden skin and stands proud like a dog on all fours. He has no mouth and a long tail that seems to be a bit out of control. His tail is crashing into everything, breaking vases and he is aware of the damage he is causing right now.
Sarah rushes down the stairs and slowly walks towards him in mesmerizing awesomeness and scary sight! This massive tailless dragon standing before her... you are a draguthon!!?? As she is confused and shocked. John what happened? John is that you?
Yes Sarah, it is me. I have no idea what's going on. I woke up like this and this tail is out of control! As John telepathically speaks to Sarah. He can see her but she is resonating a light around her that he can see for the first time as if he can see more colors and beyond the normal natural human visible spectrum.
Sarah I can see more. I can feel everything around me!
John it would seem like you transformed completely into a Draguthon, but you are not exactly the same as what we are familiar with.
The group comes out to find out what the fuss is about and witnesses the scene in amazement.
What the hell is going on? How in the fucking hell did this happen? As Andrew shockingly expresses his fear. I thought you said John didn't touch anything on Xe's planet? Andrew seems furious about this.
Yes I am sure! It must be something that Xe knows about... that is why he said are we ready for what is to come... as Lisa explains.
Are you telling me Xe knew about this the entire time? John is very confused once again as always.
Can you hear me Zyphius?
Wh... how can I hear you Xe? How are ...
Don't worry about how I witnessed you transform! I didn't want you to undergo the teal messy transformation we usually go through but it worked!
What? You did this to me? How dare you? John's entire golden skin starts getting brighter and resonates a light that can only be described as star light!
Wow this is incredible! I have so much to research! Sarah seems to know about what is going on here also.
Sarah, what are we doing with this? Jack seems to be calm and collected and seeking resolution. How can Xe keeps us in the dark about this? We are one and he is causing a problem we need to contain and prepare John for. Jack has some ideas but he, the controller and soldier, are always calm and ready to address any issue.
The first thing we need to do is to get John to planet Draguthon! As Jack sounds serious about getting him ready. The planet as you all know will feed his current state and give him energy to transform back.
Everyone agrees with Jack and a portal opens up to the planet Draguthon.
The planet Draguthon is a harsh planet, Sarah cannot travel to Draguthon herself. So they all need to shape shift, transform into the Beats so they can. The atmosphere is so harsh it burns parts of the planet's surface. But the Draguthons thrive on solar radiation.
The planet is home to all the Draguthons that were saved by Xe millions of years ago. This creature or species was unique and had to be saved as the planet they lived on was killing them.
Jack and John walk into the portal arriving on the planet, as John is mesmerized by the sight of the hot planet and as far as the eyes can see life in a very weird and splendid way is thriving. The closed star is so bright and near he can only imagine what it would do if he had been human on a planet like this. He has never even left his own town, yet has already visited two different planets in a month.
Jack has also transformed just before they left, yet he is a brownish dark black color also a long tail and wide front upper body and deep black eyes that pierce through your soul. He is significantly smaller than John, or as Xe said Zyphius.
So what do they call you Jack? John asks.
I am known as Sekro in this form. Come let's gather where we will regenerate your energy.
Zyphius is already feeling a sense of power and overwhelming surge of energy coursing through his body. Walking on all fours seems natural he still has to try and maintain this massive golden dragon like form. He can see color better now, all the planets and stars visible from this planet are so close it almost feels like he can touch them.
Druborum is the leader here on planet Draguthon. He was one of the originals to survive the onslaught when Xe saved them. This is a safe place for all the species that were saved and we keep it secret!
All of the draguthon communicate telepathically, they live off the radiation and from the planet's plant but it is absorbed via the skin behind the ribs and necks of all Draguthon.
Today they will have to test Zyphius and what he is and might become. Druborum explains to Zyphius that he has to fight him in the square where all Draguthon play and fight to release energy.
But wait, am I not supposed to generate energy here? As John asks.
Yes, however our original planet was not always in close proximity to the star and never this hot either, as we generate a tremendous  amount of power and energy. As you can see your armor has already started glowing... interestingly our skin and armor starts glowing only days later. You seem to have a rapidly expanding energy rate and increasing rate of power expulsion, so need to get rid of it and what other way than a friendly fight.
As all the Draguthons on the planet Draguthon gather at the edge of the square space, the square area is approximately one hundred square meters and below ground level just enough to ensure that whomever or whatever is in the hole will not get out or hurt the observers.
A telepathic battle begins as Druborum starts to taunt Zyphius with words of doubt. You will not beat me this day for I have been the reigning champion for many years! I am the strongest and no mortal human disguised as a Draguthon will ever beat me. As Druborum taunts Proteus as he slowly walks circles around him.
The first strike from Druborum, as his long tail hits Zyphius across the back and another seconds apart and this one right in the face!
Zyphius staggers back and faces his opponent. You might be the best Druborum, but I am bigger and more evolved than you!
This makes him upset as he jumps and hits Zyphius with the side of his body against the side of Zyphius. He staggers back again, notices that the last two whip lashes cut his face, remarkably, the wound is already starting to heal.
That is impossible! Announcement of Druborum! How is this possible Secro?
As Secro watches close by and moves with the two from higher ground. He is not Draguthon nor Secrion. He is something different. I would be more careful. We need to test him, not kill or provoke him!
Zyphius quickly evades and gets behind Druborum and hits him with a side dash and whips him with his tail... his tail opens up with a sharp skeletal blade and cuts Druborum open from his back all the way to his belly!
This causes Druborum to instantly light up, his entire body armor starts to glow and he is angry. He rushes with another dash towards Zyphius.
Zyphius with his new abilities can now quickly predict his moves and side steps him and lands another blow to the other side again cutting him from back to belly. Zyphius is now in a golden glow so bright that all of the observers seem to try and squint.
As Druborum realizes he might not make it this day, he surrenders as he is unsure of what Zyphius will do next. They have immense power; he knows all too well what will happen when he has to fall. It is in the Draguthons nature to defend one another and he knows that all of the observers will not let Zyphius leave with his life. Or that might not be the case, he senses that Zyphius is more powerful than anticipated and will deal great damage to any or all other species or beings that threaten him, this is the way.
His cuts aren't healing as quick as Zyphius's cuts are healing which is amazing and beyond belief already.
Secro, we have concluded. I am sure you understand why. I believe you have brought us an evolved version of our species and it will end in a dreadful catastrophe if we continue.
Such a quick dual and it's over! John, Zyphius has evolved beyond what he cannot even comprehend at this time.
We will have to get back to Sarah Zyphius, I think you will have to get training with your transformation and hopefully she can study you ... whatever you are.
I feel... like a God or a God-like creature! As John excitingly exclaims !
Yes that is what it feels like when you transform into this and other forms as you shall learn.
John is slowly returning to normal, no golden glow or extended abilities. He will be normal again when he returns to earth and transforms back to his human form.
Secro opens the portal and says their goodbyes.
See you soon Druborum, next time we shall face each other when I have learned to control my abilities. As John turns around to say this and look him in the eyes.
All in the name of sport haha as Druborum responds.
On earth. John transforms quickly back into human form. However, he seems to look younger and more ... well more!
This is amazing Jack! I feel young and no ... well nothing I feel like I can run and fly and jump...
Hold on now Johnny boy! Haha we know and please don't we don't want the butler to replace everything you broke the last time you felt the urge to destroy a lovely fake home haha! As Jack laughs it off.
Look John, you will need to learn how to control this. I feel you will learn so much more... We have no idea what else you will do or become so I will ask Andrew and Sarah to keep a close eye on you. In the meantime you have my... cell so call me haha. Jack is being cynical because John now has the ability to telephonically communicate with all the aliens he came into contact with, he can hear some of the others right now.
How will Sarah be able to help with all of this?
Well she will have to tell... show you have. We are not hundred percent sure what she is either, as you might have guessed she was one of Xe's experiments almost four hundred years ago!
Wow! Four hundred years? She looks like someone in her early twenties!
Yes. We know. This is our sacred power as you will learn. I have said too much.
John is feeling very rejuvenated and wants to do more as he stares at himself in the mirror not noticing Sarah standing right next to him.
John so you always parade in the nude when visiting friends? And you are way too cocky and ... 
I have no clothes... yes... obviously ! He blushes and tries to cover all the private parts but it is too late.
Haha. Don't worry John, I have seen it all. I will give you some privacy. We can meet later when you've gotten to grips with things.
Sure... Sarah... How do I? You know?
What makes talking to me easy! Just like a normal human just knock on my door when you are ready?
Haha o yeah sure. I ... thought.
You think I can communicate telepathically? No not a gift I received and not a gift that I actually want to be honest. See you later. It seems cold, please put on some clothes. As she turns and giggles.
John blushes again and looks at his ... privates. It's not cold... o wait she was joking about... yes clothes.

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