Chapter 8

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One last transformation for the sake of all mankind

John has recovered, it's been a few days since he has left his room. Sarah has been taking care of him and keeping him company. The Thornewoods pop in from time-to-time helping him recover.
John is fully awake and has recovered.
"Thank you for being here Sarah!" As John reaches out his hand to call her closer.
"It is my duty and more so a pleasure my love!" As Sarah sits down beside him on the bed.
John sits upright, reaches to kiss her and gives her a long hug. They have a romantic moment that doesn't last long.
Now I think it is time to get up and get back to the Thornewoods. As John pulls the blankets off of him. Sarah gets up and stands beside him to stand ready if he needs assistance.
"My love I will be fine, I just need to get dressed and out of this room for a while, you get some fresh air." Sarah nods.
Back at the portal room, the Thornewoods wait patiently for John to come see them, not expecting him today, however anticipating his newly regained health and arrival.
John and Sarah walk in, Sarah holds John around the waist to try and help him walk.
"Aha, our Johny boy has finally arrived! Well rested I am sure?" Typical Andrew trying to make light of the situation.
"Haha it is good to see you Andrew! As for all of you!" As John gives the Thornewoods a quick stare.
"So now we are curious! What has the transformation given John Sarah? Asks Nicky not usually being this curious.
John has been recovering for a few days. His human body is trying to adapt to the change. He has to shape shift again and soos so he can get used to the form.
"Give him more Nicky, we don't know when the next transformation will happen." As Sarah responds.
"Well will he be... fight ready?" As Jack looks John up and down, he seems worried.
"Fight ready? Really? Have you got any idea what state he is in?" Furiously and frustrated Sarah walks John to the nearest couch and helps him sit down.
"You have to realize Sarah, we need to get him ready. It might still be months but we have no idea what Debi is capable of and how fast she can travel to get here." As Lisa gets up and walks with her one hand underneath her arm and the other on her cheek.
"Listen, Sarah has been taking real good care of me and she has done all the can to get me to do what is needed" as John says in a lowered voice.
"What I would like to get done is to understand how to move between forms quickly. And without being taken out of commission every-time I do." John seems very calm and collected.
I want to go back to Xe and visit him myself without anybody, so I can see how far we can push my Secrion body and abilities. I believe I have one more transformation that I need to shapeshift into." John seems a bit out of breath and excited or is he a bit scared?
Nobody says a word. You can hear a pin drop fall.
The Thornewoods help John upright as John focuses to shapeshift into Krynoss.
The spectacle is mesmerizing as John's transformation seems slow and a bright blue light glimmers out of his body. He successfully transforms and his shape shifting was a success.
"Now, show me how to open a portal to Xe '' telepathically he sends out the message to Thornewoods.
Lisa gets up and stands next to him. "Krynoss, you need to focus on Xe. That is basically all. You will open a portal near him, Xe will sense the portal being opened."
Slowly a small spark in the middle of the portal room starts, this too is taking longer than usual.
After a few minutes, the portal has completely appeared and the other side is visible.
"I will see you soon" as John steps through the portal.
"Krynoss, my newest creation. " as Xe stands there waiting for Krynoss.
"Am I really? As Krynoss asks
"Well you are the benefactor of my last clone spliced cell mutation! You are walking around as a true Secrtion... well, you look different" as Xe walks around him observing him from head to toe.
"Xe, I have one more transformation I need to complete. I know this now, and I am not sure how Sarah will take it." John sounds sad when he utters the words.
"Xe now is not the time to concern yourself with what others, especially Sarah, it is her duty..." John interrupts Xe.
"If it wasn't for Sarah, you would have not had me in the state that I am." As John responds with anger.
"Xe, Krynoss! This entity is a much greater threat than you could ever imagine. My only concern is for all other lives to survive, whatever it is that they need to survive. I have only witnessed what Debi can do if she does not find what it is that she is looking for." As Xe responds in a very worried sense.
"I will surely find out Xe." As John responds with a direct tone.
They spend the time switching between forms from one to the other. The spawning pool is used to recover John quickly in all his forms.
Back home, time has passed, it's been four days.
Neither Xe nor John has given anybody feedback on the status of how the shape shifting has been going.
Normal Day-to-day routine has returned to the Thornewood manor but it has never been this quiet. Nobody seems to talk or do anything.
Sarah is always in the secret room. The Thornewoods do what they do, each having daily duties to fulfill.
"We are done! I need all of you to meet me at the manor." Xe summons Sarah and the Thorenewoods together telepathically.
Sarah arrives first, followed by  Lisa, Jack, Andrew and Nicky.
The portal is already open, and everybody is anxiously waiting for them to come through.
Xe steps through in his human form followed by John, also in human form.
"I have done all I can for Krynoss." As Xe turns to John and says: "We do have one more issue."
Xe looks worried, clearly he has not seen his own human expression and this gives him away.
"What is it?" Sarah quickly rushes to John and hugs him.
"I have another form I need to take on, one that might..." John looks deeply into Sarah's eyes.
"What John?" Sarah seems very scared right about now.
"Well, Xe and I have found another form that I need to transcend into, we don't know if my body will be able to handle it." John looks down in sadness but quickly looks at Xe. "Xe believes he can help but it will be a longshot!" As He looks towards Xe.
The Thornewoods just standing and not saying a word. But with what seems to be worries and sadness in expression on their faces.
"Whatever it is, I am here to help Xe!" As Sarah plights to help.
"The reason we are both here. We have decided that you need to say goodbye to John today. He is going to attempt to transform one last time, we cannot come with him or assist him." Xe looks at Sarah.
"What will happen?" As the tears starts falling down her cheeks.
"My love, all I can say and do now, is that I love you with all my heart and that Xe will come up with a plan." As he wipes the tears from her eyes and cheeks.
"What is the plan? We don't even know what will happen to you?" As Sarah bursts out in tears.
"That's right we don't even know what will happen" as John tries to caress Sarah and talk her into getting confident.
John lets go of Sarah and walks to the middle of the room and ensures that everybody looks at him.
"I am going to the center of the universe, that sounds crazy, the portal will take me there. I will transform and Xe will be able to observe my change." As John confidently states.
"Whatever happens please, know that I will confront Debi, whatever happens after is part of my destiny." John seems very eager to get this done.
A few hours go by and everybody has had their final thoughts and goodbyes. Not knowing what will happen.
John and Sarah took some time in the secret room and have returned.
The Thornewoods, Sarah and Xe stand ready.
John starts with his transformation and slowly starts to hover. He seems to start melting and shedding skin and his entire body seems to evaporate into thin air.
His body falls to the ground, what is left of it. What they all see and what John is seeing are two different things.
They only see a bright blue light hanging in the air while John sees the entire universe from his perspective. He sees everything in light, as he hangs over his friends all he can see are dark light figures, he cannot touch Sarah as he tries to speak but no words come out! He notices Sarah holding his old body, a burned and ripped apart body.
What they saw was John's body falling to the ground and  bright light disappearing from the room. They cannot sense John's presence any longer and fear the worst!
They are all in a state of alarm and seem to be extremely worried and sad at John's ... passing. 
Xe, thinks that John has transcended, he says nothing, he cannot give them hope.
"Xe I have to return. I need to know what has happened." He walks towards John's body, picks him up and takes him through the portal.
The Thorenwoords deeply in despair! Sarah has stopped crying but is just sitting on the floor.
Meanwhile, John is trying to talk to them and he sees Xe leave. He can see the portal trail as if it is in arms reach.
He is now a glowing light obviously not visible to the human or any other physical form.
He seems to be normal human size with a mix of all the colors of a neutron star. He has very dark and very light parts of his body showing off making it clear that he is human and Secrion.
He decides to follow the portal path towards Xe.
He reaches Xe almost just as Xe walks onto the planet. He realizes that he just moved as fast as or faster than anything! It should not be possible to have reached Xe without also going through the portal?
Then he realized what had actually happened! The particles that made up Debi and Demsey... was the last part of the transformation!
In a blink of an eye he turns around as he starts searching for Debi. Flying through space at what seems to be faster than anything... just like in his dreams...
Back at the manor. Sarah realizes that John, has died! She is in agony! The Thornewoods also have no idea what has transpired and come to the same conclusion.
"John is dead. Sarah, we will need to wait for Xe" as Lisa leans in and tries to sooth Sarah.
Sarah gets up and runs towards the secret room in an attempt to hide her tears and pain.
The Thornewoods just stood there in despair.
"Did Xe what will happen? What is he up to? We have been cut off by him since he left here with John days ago." As Lisa also seems to be heading towards morning John.
"Look I will try and find... John or whatever he might have become. I can travel faster than all you, I really have no idea where to start looking. I will join Sarah ao we can find... something" as Nicky rushes out after Sarah to the secret room.
"I will stay here and wait if something happens I will let you all know." As Jack sits down and closes his eye, obviously searching in his portal pathways to see any glimpse of John or something else unrecognizable.
"Lisa, I will go to Xe. You should come with us so we can establish a plan or at least get some answers?" As Andrew opens a portal.
Gravax and Vorlex leave for Planet Xe. As they arrive at the Xe's has created a pod. A clear glass plate with a white metal base, and egg like shape. Your half of the pod is clearly visible and the backside half is a type of metal connected to the spawning pool.
It seems like Xe has created some sort of pod that holds a body, John's body is already in the pod filled with liquid from the spawning pool. Crystal clear with a very light blue color.
Xe telepathically explains that he might have a plan but he needs to get in contact with John if he is still alive.

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