Chapter 10

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lost and found

Finally the day of arrival is nearing. Xe has been constructed to perfect male and female bodies that can also be altered upon request.
After all they are shape shifting bodies able to contain massive amounts of matter and energy as intended for John.
Zeru and the two dark forces have arrived at Xe's planet. Xe is still unaware of the arrival.
"We are here Xe. Can you hear me?." As John telephonically speaks to Xe attempting to communicate.
"I am glad you have arrived. I have already made preparations for you all to merge with your bodies. " as Xe responds.
"How will this work Xe? John asks.
"You should be able to see the three bodies each with its own frequency. However I am not sure what you can see and how, the body at the furthest from me is a male form for Dimsi. The middle female is for Debi and lastly, your new body". As Xe explains.
"John, you should be aware that these bodies are very powerful and can contain massive amounts of radiation, energy and matter, this means they could become unstable for a while and like new shoes you will need to walk around in." Xe gives the intrusions and hope for the best.
So they all get into their new suites, the human bodies that are capable of massive destruction or massive rewards if Debi and Dimsi decide to be peaceful.
All three of the beings start to awake. Debi is first to awake, her eyes open. Green bright eyes, no hair over her body just a pure fresh shell that just received a soul.
Xe helps her out of the pod as the pod opens and all the fluids drain out onto the floor. She is completely confused and falls to the ground. Ce helps her to get to her feet. And she starts looking around.
Debi finally starts walking around, while John awakens in his pod.
"Xe, pleased to meet you! " as Debi looks around her ins pure absolute amazement. She is completely occupied with her surrounding and her own body, as she touches everything and her own body.
"A bit of help here Xe?" As John stumbles to the ground trying to get up. Xe helps him to his feet.
Finally Dimsi is also released from the pod and goes through the same process as Debi just went through.
A few hours later, Xe provided them with clothes, shoes and gave them a bit of a breakdown on what to do and how these bodies work. They are not attached to their bodies like a normal being but can leave anytime they feel the need to. These bodies are the creation of something way beyond what any scientist can and would hope to achieve. Magnificent creations to say the least.
Debi has not said much, Dimsi either. They have been walking around and observing their surroundings.
"Thank you Xe!" You have no idea what you have given us." Debi is still trying to get her pitch and voice correct as she thanks Xe.
"Yes indeed Xe, we are eternally grateful  for what you have given us!" As Dimsi finally speaks.
John can feel the freedom within this new body, he can transform quickly as he tests out his new abilities. First he transformed into the Draguthon, with ease, then into Secrion, again with ease.
Lastly he attempts to transform into the Zeru unknown form. It looks like a bit of time however he transformed leaving his physical body on planet Xe. He settles back into his new body.
"Well Xe! You have done a great job with what you have done. We also have two very excited members that will learn a lot". As John stands up and faces Xe and Debi.
Debi seems to have become comfortable in her nee body as well. Dimsi does not seem to get the hang of it quite yet.
"This damn body is glitching out, I don't have full control of all my functions!" Dimsi is a bit angry and upset. He might have to stay with Xe and return to the pod for more work and adjustment.
"John, I want to explore earth, hell I want to explore everything, I have been burning for this moment as long as I have excited!" As it looks like Debi is about to start crying. One can see she truly appreciates this moment and what Xe has accomplished here today.
"I think you will find the manor and the dwellers quite amusing Debi. I will take you to them. Everybody must be very excited to find out and know what has been transpiring".
John opens a portal and greets Xe and Dimsi one more time as they walk through the portal.
On their arrival the Thornewoods are patiently sitting waiting, Sarah biting her nails leaning against the wall to the entrance of the secret room.
"Is that?" As Lisa jumps up in shock.
"Yes it is." John nods.
"John! O my god I saw you die and here you are!" Sarah runs up towards John and jumps on top of him as he catches her and they embrace one-another.
"What do you call this place?" Debi asks.
"Well well well, if it isn't a great threat, looking good I have to say! Xe did a great job with you, a great job!" As he winks at Debi, she is obviously very beautiful and in perfect shape and form.
"I will tell you all about it Andre. But first." John introduces Debi to the rest of the group and explains everything has happened.
A time to celebrate and a time to enjoy life. Debi is learning from her first encounter and will most probably be staying with the Thrornewoods so they can keep a close eye on her. Dimsi is settling down with Xe, they seem to be coming along very well.
Everybody has earned well deserved rest. They will need it.
In a distant galaxy, a young fighter pilot is defending his planet from a terrible enemy.
Dimsi was able to detect a disturbance in the universe for a while now. He could not make out what this was, but with the help from Xe he can identify changes in dark matter particles in all of space.
This one seems like something the team should investigate.
Himat, an alien defending his planet

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