Chapter 9

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A destructive force is met

John is experiencing what he dreamed of in his nightmares! He's name is revealed in a memory, Zeru! He remembers a sound, not sure where the sound originates from.
He is nothing and everything flying through space.  He is able to see far beyond what he has ever imagined. He is able to see the trails of all the portals that he thinks the Secrion has created and where they all lead.
Even the most distant galaxies seem within his reach. He just needs to extend his arms and touch and he is closer...
This makes him stop mid-space...
If this is how fast I am moving, how fast should it take Debi to reach us? He waits and looks around, hovering in space, trying to get rid of all the stars, galaxies and other objects in space.
In the edge of space he can clearly see a very Dark part, a blob, but something that is slowly moving towards him.
Is that Debi, he thinks and he focuses on the block. He is having difficulty maintaining and keeping focus on the blob like object. But he approaches. He has no idea how fast it is moving and no idea what to even look for but this blob is his only chance to try and get somewhere or do anything.
Meanwhile on planet Xe, they seem to have constructed a human body. A form that mimics John's original body, but this body seems absolutely perfect compared to the original John.
Andrew and Lisa have been spending much time with Xe helping him construct the pod and adjusting. The spawning pool is low and they have, what seems like weeks building this body.
"That should do it" Xe steps back from the pod holding John's body.
"All we need now is a soul. Or John, whatever to enter the shell. His body has been enhanced a thousand times, able to sustain massive amounts of matter particles and rapid changes. Let's just say we created a super human that can fold, mold and transcend with its essence. Not quite a normal human body but something that can sustain massive amounts or radiation for a very long time, in fact feeding on radiation to expand its normal in this state, capabilities."
"Well hell Xe get me into a body like that?" Gravax seems more excited than Xe at this point.
"Now we need to wait." As Xe sits down and closes his eyes to join the search for John.
Gravax and Vorlex do the same as they close their eyes and search for the unknown.
Sarah has been in the secret room since the death of John. She has shut herself out completely. She is in despair and she is not able to handle or control her emotion, constantly crying and thinking of what she could have done.
Nicky, has been keeping her company since John's death. Nicky, the most unlikely of the Thornewoods has been really supporting Sarah.
While the Thornewood have been in original form all the time and meditating as it seems with closed eyes, they have been searching the universe for a presence.
Nicky picks up something fat beyond a distant galaxy.
Sarah notices Thalara twitching, but Thalara does not move or make a sound.
"I think I found an anomaly in space. It looks like a blob... or a black hole... it has no shape, it seems to travel at a rapid speed... well towards us but is still a long way from..." Thalara stops and she starts to slightly glow as she is giving off signs of ... is it hope?
"Why are you glowing?" Anxiously Sarah tugs on Thalara!
"I think I found ... something. They're two unknown entities in the same space moving towards one another! '' Thalara opens her eyes.
"We can use the room to project what you are seeing!" Sarah seems very happy and excited!
Thalara immediately telepathically informs the others. In an instant the Secrion race is observing the two unknown entities from a far.
Zeru approaches the block or black hole entity and comes to a full stop, hovering in space.
It is almost like the entity is so massive you are not able to see where it begins and where it stops. Zeru is so close it can touch it.
"John, We have met!" In a very strange voice, telepathically he hears this very odd noisy screeching sound like white noise.
"Who and what are you?" As Zeru responds telepathically.
"I don't know what I am. I have a purpose, my purpose is to become and consume until I am whole." As Debi responds with the same noisy tone and voice. No expression or emotion can be observed from the noise.
"We have worked hard to find you and stop you from destroying anything in your path, Debi!" As Zeru seems to grow in size seemingly trying to match his power and awesomeness.
"Aha, we detected you, the one, we have come for you! What is Debi, John?" She seems to be intrigued by this conversation.
"I will fight with all my strength to prevent you from doing such a thing!" As Zeru still slowly increases in size.
"What is Debi, John?" As Debi asks again.
"We can you Debi; dark energy biological intelligence. How are you not sure, have never been named before?" Zeru is surprised by this and the weird conversation.
Xe and the others observing what's happening, still have no idea of what is happening. They are mainly just observing two unknown entities right next to one another, Nicky does notice the one entity is growing rapidly trying to match the other entity.
"I think I figured it out." As Thalara announces to everybody else on the same telephonic signal.
Even Sarah is able to listen in.
"Xe, the entity we are seeing coming towards us has to be Debi and the other is rapidly growing in size, it has to be John, or whatever John has become." Very exciting as Thalara continues to try and enhance the telephonic connection and triangulate their position in space.
"I found them." As Xe announces. As he projects this to Thalara. Thalara zooms into the section so Sarah can observe.
As they all watch the two entities in space, just floating, they realize this, this is the moment they have all been anticipating!
Zeru has finally matched the unknown block in size.
"I am very impressed with you John. Demsey found you thousands of years ago, in your measurement of time. We have been searching for something like you for a very long time!" Debi has the same tone of noice.
"What or who is Dimsi, Debi?" Asks John.
"You describe me as Debi, Dark Matter Biological Entity? So I can only assume and deduce that my Dark Matter counterpart will also be named. As it has been with me all this time. Dark intelligent Matter Selection insurgent." Debi is obviously quick on picking up on the entire thing. Debi has to be a very intuitive and intelligent being.
"You see, when we were born, we had the urge to push and pull. We were created for a single purpose. I think you know what we are. What we have become is something we have not been able to find, it was as I have come to conclusion our second purpose." As Debi answers John.
"And what is that? To destroy everything?" Zeru is furious and ready to... well not sure what he is ready for but he is.
"I have already sensed you and your thoughts. You have been hiding from us? Destruction and creation is part of the universe John. Why would you stand against me, or have you come with a solution for our problem? Wait, you have no idea what we really want?" As Debi suddenly starts making sense.
"So what is it that you have come to do?" As Zeru asks.
"We are tired and have been searching for a way to become complete! We have always been seeking to become physical beings so we can enjoy what we have observed for as long as we have existed!" Debi has a slight lowering in her voice and the noise level.
John thinks for a while. He tries to connect with Xe, but is unable to make contact.
"Are you trying to make contact with someone or something? I am sensing this from you." Debi is very intuitive, maybe she has to be.
"I am trying to contact my kin. He is the leader of a species that helped create me to stop you from destroying us!" John has no need to shout and is attempting to scare off Debi.
"I can make that happen!" As Debi sends out a wave of energy to the universe, what seems like and invisible for rushing thought the universe in an instant.
"You should be able to hear us now." As Debi speaks, everybody sits in shock, they just heard Debi speak for the first time!
"Debi, explain to us how you want to become a physical being?" Zeru asks.
"Dimsi has embedded dark matter particles in all matter since our journey began. We found one alert, from your sector of the universe and we are going to assimilate your matter to attempt to become physical. Dimsi has already added all the ingredients to his matter particles and we have failed." It would seem like Debi was about to destroy everything to achieve her goal.
"We might have a solution, Debi!" Xe responds with a calm and collected voice.
"I have not encountered your kind before! What are you? How have Dimsi not embedded you with Dark Matter!? "Debi sounds without a doubt angry and upset with this.
"I was able to avoid your detection since my creation. I observed you while evolving over the billions of years of your existence. I was not aware of your higher purpose. We have recently found a way to embed or assimilate a being with great mass and power into a physical Secrion/human body." As Xe calmly responds.
Debi does not respond.
"You are saying John isn't dead and we can bring him back?" Sarah sounds thrilled and could not resist asking. 
"We will do what you propose Xe." As Debi starts moving towards earth. John returns to normal size and moves with Debi.
Xe knows that he can provide Debi and Dimsi with physical bodies now. He has created a perfect body for John as he presumed John would return.
It will take a few days for them to arrive and Xe has to construct two pods and two bodies, this will not be a challenge as he has all the DNA needed to achieve this before the arrival.
They waste no time and start with the process.

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