Chapter 4

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Alternate dimension and parallel room

When John got dressed, not sure what to expect from Sarah and this hidden secret room he decided to get dressed casually. Thinking he could be running around and jumping over obstacles and such.
He heads to the room and as he gets to the door... he laughs and thinks yes she does not do the telepathic thing so he has to knock or something? So he proceeds to knock on the door. He waits a few seconds and knocks again... nothing. Just as he turns around, he hears a voice.
Come in, John , I was occupied. Sarah's voice coming from beyond the door.
Beyond the door is nothingness, darkness he can't see anything.
Sarah, what... how should... I can't see anything Sarah!
Just walk in like you would normally be silly! As she explains to John.
John is very hesitant and weary to just walk in. Normally you can see a floor or something... anything!
He musters up his courage and closes his eyes and steps foot into the door. He can feel the floor and it feels safe as he proceeds to walk in. His eyes still closed.
Sarah takes his hand. John gets a fright and quickly opens his eyes.
He is standing in a normal room! Haha as he laughs. Wooden floor white yellowish walks, antique like floors and walls. Two windows across from the door with wooden frames, single windows with a very bright light shining through. A single chair in the middle of the room facing the fireplace. A small fire is burning and the room feels warm with light and heat.
Sarah I could not see the room from outside.
Yes, John, this room is special. You will only see what you want to see when you enter the room. Time here also does not pass like normal time. We call it time dilation.
O, so this is how you are almost four-hundred years old and still look like you are in your twenties?
Yes John, there is more to that, but for now that is half the case. If you look into the mirror, you will see your age has also improved significantly!
John turns back towards the door he entered and sees the self standing antique mirror next to the door.
Yes I do look much younger! I look great actually!
It is half the room and your recent transformation that has caused your cells to mutate and restructure. That is why we are here to figure out why.
The room is a place where you can stop time. Train, learn and create a reality that you desire. We will be spending a lot of time here. I have learned everything I have learned over the last three hundred years about all the things I wanted to learn. I don't know nearly as much as Xe, but I know what I need to do.
Look Sarah, I just met these people a few days ago and my life has changed entirely. I don't understand half of what the fuck is going on half the time. Care to enlighten me on why I shape shifted?
Well John, I suspect that you have what we call dark matter particles that activated in you when you left earth and walked around on Xe's planet. You must have been exposed to all the Secrions and a combination of all this caused your cells to start activating and mutating. I don't know how the Secrions work completely but they take secreted fluid from an object and by touch alone they can alter their own state and physical bodies and shape shift into what was secreted, it seems like a process that works one hundred percent with them. We have tried it on others but only on earth. So it seems exposing you to outer space or any other planet other than earth and the environments you seem to have given us the key to something we were not aware of. Exposure. Well human exposure to be direct.
This is all great but...
Yes John, why me, why you? Right
Yes. Why me?
Well the group you met, the Secrion earth ambassadors as we call it. They found you. They waited for you at the festival. Andrew, Lisa, Nicky and Jack were already aware of your existence.
Tell me. Did you experience anything strange before you met them?
Well, I have been having... had dreams, wild dreams that started getting worse and more real. I could not figure out what the dreams meant and why I was getting them!
Hmmm interesting. We will unpack those dreams and see if I can access you mind and see the dreams for myself.
What? You can do that? That is insane.
I can only do that here. This room was constructed by Xe so that ... well I guess he did it for me, but he wanted humans to have or evolve with the same abilities as the Secrion can and most lightly other species I guess. He is a very mysterious being, John.
John recalls seeing Xe for the first time. Anybody seeing an alien for the first time would be scared and shocked.
I thought I was going crazy Sarah. All of this is real!
Yes John this is all real you are no longer dreaming. I cannot take you back or change anything to what it was before, you have a destiny John. No doubt about that.
Sarah starts to close her eyes and instructs John to do the same thing. She thinks up and places in the stars, in a distant part of the universe and opens her eyes.
John, before you open your eyes, just hold my hands and remember we are still in the room, but I have altered reality here so you can experience the magnificent power of this room.
John slowly opens his eyes!
Wow this is space! Where are we?
We are floating right next to a nebula. Beyond the milky way galaxy you can see our galaxy from here and all that is present around you like no one ever will.
The scene is incredible. A big full color nebula on the left of John and behind him a full view of the galaxy he calls home. He can see starts and the vastness of space all round him. Nothing bur empty space and the very clear lights of all the galaxies surrounding him.
Close your eyes John. As Sarah closes her eyes and return back to the room.
Did you like that? Asks Sarah.
That was kind of weird. Fucking weird! As John responds in awesomeness.
Now we are in your reality that makes it my reality here in the room. You can take us anywhere you would like. Sarah seems curious and yet not trying to push John too much.
I think I can show you my dream?
Yes! We can do that. All you need to do is focus on the dream, the memories and it will become real here.
Right, ok. Close my eyes again?
Yes we close our eyes so we can see and experience the memory or where it is we want to go more clearly, you can leave your eyes open but the room changes and it can be a ... rush visually and confuse you and leave you stranded in odd places! Trust me I have put myself through quite a bit of a shock when I started.
Ok Sarah. Let's do this.
John closes his eyes and visualizes the dream he started dreaming, the nightmare. They are transported beyond the universe on the edge as they fly through and between galaxies.
The sight is far more exhilarating as the scene Sarah created. As they move through the universe holding each other's hands horizontally flying or moving at speeds beyond what is capable of any human or human creation.
Where are we John? This is amazing! I thought that what I showed you was a bit too much but look at you!
This is the dream I've been experiencing for months. More like a nightmare at the time. I think we are moving and searching for something and it almost feels like I am somebody else or something else when I am here... doing this, dreaming. It started getting more real for a while.
It really feels the same in the room but here it is more manageable Sarah.
I wonder what this means John. I have never been this far out in space and the universe I cannot recognize. You seem the same but your energy is far greater now that I witness your presence here. Almost like I cannot see who you are.
Sarah closes her eyes and alters John's true appearance so she can see him. As she opens her eyes. She gets a shock and almost lets go of John is an almost frightening look in her eyes!
What's the matter now Sarah? John is puzzled he has not seen Sarah or anybody else look at him as to why she is staring at him now.
John. are glowing bright ... I can see through you! She stutters and can barely get a word out!
You are not... human or Draguthon or Secrion! I have never seen anything like you!
They come to a stop and they stare at one another. They both look around and realize they are now just hovering in space in an unknown place.
John. I don't know if you realize this but you.. I think you are ascended and this dream or nightmare is none other than an actual vision of the future. A premonition of your future for what you are to become. I am absolutely blown away by what I am seeing!
Sarah is shocked. Not something that happens to her very often, she has seen all there is to see in the world, the universe and realizes that she has not seen anything.
Sarah. I am very scared when I have this nightmare, hence referring to it as a nightmare! Do you think I will truly become this...ascended thing?
All I know is John, you are going to do something impossible! I don't know what and how but I am here to help you find out! Sarah sounds detrimental to find out and is dedicated to really helping John.
They both close their eyes and return to the room.
They are still holding hands. Just staring at each other. Suddenly John realizes his back and lets go of Sarah's hands but Sarah is still staring at him.
John. I... don't...
She is stuttering and cannot utter a word.
What is wrong Sarah?
She quickly turns around. We have to go to Xe and explain the situation. I need to get back to something else. She is immediately different, her entire body is shaking and she seems to be looking to get out and leave the room.
Ok. Sarah, are you alright? You seem different?
We... we need to get you to Xe. I will take you to Andrew. He can get you there quickly.
John is puzzled at how she is reacting all of a sudden but agrees to this.
John. I need you to meet me here regularly so we can control your abilities. I was not aware that you...this would be such a challenge. One I do enjoy, but we are facing something much greater than we anticipated. Sarah sounds scared now and excited at the same time.
Sarah. I am willing to do what is necessary and I hope to find the answers. Thank you for showing me this room and helping me see and understand better.
There is obviously something that changed in Sarah. Her reaction towards John and the experience left her speechless and flustered.
Let's get going. Sarah seems very hesitant and hastily walks out of the room.
They leave the room and head to the room
With the sunken floor where they will open a portal to Xe's planet.

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