Chapter 2

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The house with strange friends and strange events

John heads to the house and  this time he gets there early on Saturday morning.
He gets to the massive gate, even more spectacular than he imagined. Finding the place is easy but witnessing during daytime is spectacular. He buzzes the intercom at the gate and he walks in... Nicky really does have a thing for gardening as he is amazed at the trees and well kept garden heading towards the house, it is going to be quite the walk. The garden is very dense as you keep heading up towards the house with green grass, birds chirping and the sound of water running throughout the garden route.
Finally he gets to the big golden door but the house seems to be more appealing during the day. He gets welcomed by the actual butler, he remembers Andrew joking about it, but the butlers exist. He walks through the door and notices a massive mirror just by the door, oddly it reminds him of the portal in the entertainment room. As he heads towards the entrance of the entertainment room, he notices a staircase leading to a door, the door seems like a very old ancient door, as the door closes. He did not notice anyone go in and forgets about it.
He is welcomed by Andrew! Not the alien but actually Andrew human form!
Hey my old friend! Did you come for a second round as he tries to bro hug him but John quickly evades this man hug.
What's Wrong John boy, did you see something that's scared you? As he winks to John.
Yeah I know I know I shouldn't drink it makes me ... turn into a completely different person! Hahaha as he laughs and winks again.
Listen John, we need to talk about what you saw. Bo helps telling people about what is going on here or advertising people will just think you are a crazy person. Or worse, we can abduct you and probe you hahaha. I am kidding.
John does not seem to find this funny at all. Andrew what the hell is happening. I was wondering if all of this was just a dream but obviously it is not. What are you guys?
Well look Johnny we live among the humans, we have done so for thousands of years, I am sure Lisa the wise has informed you about this? Anyways I am the oldest and bravest of the lot and I lead the expedition on earth. Andrew is very cocky about himself.
How did you guys get here and who owns the house? Nervously asking Andrew.
Look Johnny boy we are not from here you know that and second we have acquired wealth so we can do what we need to do, we have an organization that runs all our affairs, you will meet Sarah soon. She is a real sight for sore eyes. Anyways listen you are welcome to ask me more questions but I have some business to attend to so go have a chat with Lisa she is expecting you. Chow for now dude. Andrew grabs his jacket and heads out.
John makes himself comfortable as Lisa walks in. Hey stranger or should I say scary pants hehe. Look Andrew and Xe wanted me to just talk and show you around we have some interesting things going on.
Yeah Andrew told me to have a chat with you today, he just left.
So yeah I guess we need to go visit Xe quick. Are you good to go? John is absolutely blown away by the level of comfortableness that Lisa expresses towards him and the situation.
Yea let's get this done. Am I the only person who has seen all of this Lisa?
No, I am sure you have by now heard us mention Sarah, she is busy but you will soon be introduced to her in good time, we should have gotten her here when all of this happened so she could help you cope. But our fearless Xe will tell you more.
Sure let's go, John feels kind of excited and scared at the same time. Knowing that he would be getting involved in something this spectacular in his life will be some kind of accomplishment!
Lisa opens the portal, again in the center of the room where it all started. It still seems impossible for John and he to be mesmerizing at the same time.  
As they arrive on the planet, Xe is standing waiting for them both. I see you have brought the human, John is it? Kranox told me about you. Zea you need to get things under control on planet earth! We cannot afford to get exposed to Debi! No matter what. As Xe exclaims in a hard tone.
Xe we believe John has something inside of him that we cannot identify from the other humans. He has something else. I was the one who told Kranox to get him involved so we can learn as we have done for thousands of years.
You have the authority over these decisions, I need to understand the consequences if you are right about John. This can go very badly.
John has no idea what is being said between the two as they are communicating telepathically and demands what's going on.
We believe that you are part of something greater than you could ever imagine human. You need not understand or grasp the concept of fait or what we are and our purpose, maybe you will see for yourself.
I was born when this universe started. I have been around for fourteen billion years and only recently discovered your planet and your species. I believe Debi is looking for something like you. You have the trademarks of a being Debi is looking for, thus your acquaintances with the group of Secrion ambassadors you met. We are separated into many groups across the universe but I created all of this and I know much, such as your life will change soon.
John is silently in shock. He almost feels like this alien is joking with him. He laughs, you are telling me out of seven billion humans I am special? Haha you have got to be kidding me?
No you are not the only special individual. We have institutions and groups protecting the secrets of the universe from all kinds of species. You are very unique and that is what we do. We find unique individuals to help us.
Help with what? John asks quickly.
To protect the universe, John.
John seems to think and contemplate.
I have said enough Zea, I need to get on with my duties.
Lisa is still in human form but Xe calls her Zea. John wonders what else he still needs to find out.
Lisa, why does he call you Zea?
That is my Secrion name. We Secrion are given names but when we shape shift and transform into whatever species we adapt we are either given alternate names or we just stick to what we are called at birth. Some of our colonies and other Secrion have many differences. I hope you will see this someday. I am a bit excited to get to know you and show you around the universe hehe. As she giggles and winks at John.
Let's get back home. I need to show you something else. As they walk through the portal back home, Andrew, Jack and Nicky await them.
Hey so the scary cat Johnny went to see Xe for a second time? Well done you are officially in our record books! As Andrew jokes about the serious subject, John is still very confused.
This house has many secrets and has been the place of many ... changed people. One of which is Sarah.
The door upstairs opens and John hears footsteps coming down the stairs and hall. Sarah walks in around and looks straight at John. Good to meet you John. My name is Sarah.
John is completely speechless. He has never seen a more beautiful woman in his life. She has long blond wavy hair, shocking blue eyes and dresses very professionally. She seems important as everybody else is silent and seems to have much respect for Sarah and the sight of her presence.
Hi... h... hi Sarah. Pleased to meet you... I was told that you would see me and I have been hearing all about you.
Haha I know as much, I have been telepathically talking to Xe he has informed me of everything that has been going on.
John is once again shocked to see and hear that people ... aliens alike are all talking but he is still in the dark! Besides I already know what you know John. I can read your mind as she winks at him with a little smile while she walks to sit down.
Wha... what. You can read minds now? He blushes and is very uncomfortable.
Hahaha she knows what you know, luckily for us she can only read human minds Johnny boy! Hey Sarah, does Johnny boy have a crush on you already? Hahaha Andrew seems to always have a bad joke lying around.
Lisa, listen we need to get John ready for what is to come...
Wait, you guys have all these outer worldly  ideas about me and I am still in the dark! What the fuck is going on and I need it straight... but before John can say another word, he falls to the ground. What the hell, something is wrong.
Damn Andrew it the alcohol you made him drink that shit is hundred years old!
No wait, something else is wrong Lisa. Look at John's color and back. John seems to have some sort of contraction in his back and he is on his knees in pain.
Why am I to blame for this? Lisa here made me get the guy here for Xe's experiments!
No seriously I think John might not be ok. Did he touch anything on Xe's planet?
No he didn't but whatever it is not good Sarah, we have never had a human traveling to Xe before. Not even you.
I don't know what you Aliens get to be so dumb! Sarah seems furious and has to pick up the pieces now.
John gets up and stumbles to the hallway to get outside for fresh air as he gets to the door the butler stands there and denies him from leaving the house. Sir I cannot  let you leave at this time you seem ill.
He turns towards the mirror that he noticed at the entrance and he is not doing so well.
I think I just need to get some air and sleep this off, as he points to Lisa.
Yes Butler please arrange for John's room to get ready.
It has already been made so madam. As the butler calmly responds.
John is taken to his room. A most fascinating and jaw dropping room. Something out of a kings castle setup. But he is tired and in pain all he can think about is lying down.
The house has many secrets John. You cannot leave soon. We will arrange with your employer and make any arrangements with your landlord and whatever else as you will be taken care of here at the house.
Meanwhile, Sarah has returned to the mysterious room she arrived from.

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