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Sara and Adnaan were in the car, they both were going back to their home Hyderabad..

Sara's mood wasn't good since last night she was avoiding Adnaan, she didn't even had her breakfast and Adnaan noticed that.

While focusing on the road Adnaan glanced towards her but she was busy in watching the outside view. He stopped the car near a takeaway restaurant and ordered two veg rolls along with two cans of juice, he passed a roll and a juice can to Sara but she didn't held that and started scrolling Instagram but Adnaan rolled his eyes while placing Both the food items on dashboard. He unwrapped the roll and started eating that but Sara was busy in her mobile phone. She completely ignored his presence around herself and keep watching her mobile.

"It's for you, have it" Adnaan said after some ten minutes but Sara ignored as of he didn't even exist, that made Adnaan guilty for a moment but that guilt came along with a hint of anger! "Stop the car" Sara demanded and Adnaan was shocked because they were still one hour away from Hyderabad, but he pushed the break. Sara rolled down the glass of window and watched a small rag picker boy sitting on the side of road. "Beta.. Listen." Sara called that boy and he come closer to the. Sara gave him the roll and the juice can to him giving smile to that small dull face. Adnaan was surprised whether he should be angry that Sara gave away the thing he bought for her or he should be  happy for that small boy? But he started driving again. Adnaan bought another chicken sandwich for her which she silently placed on the dashboard of car. Adnaan who was feeling guilty till few minutes ago suddenly started feeling angry due to regular ignorance.

As soon as the car entered in society gate, Sara started putting her earphone and mobile in her handbag. Adnaan Park the car and Sara picked the chicken sandwich. They both hopped out from the car but before Adnaan could took step towards the stairs he was stopped by a voice.

"Bruno... Bruno.." Sara call loudly while unwrapping the sandwich and Adnaan looked towards her with confusion.

Bruno was the dog who was kept by society for security purpose but he was the friendly pet of whole society.

"Bruno come here." Sara said loudly and the brown German Shepherd came towards her while huffing. Sara smiled and placed the sandwich on floor. Bruno started eating that sandwich and Sara took steps towards stairs, Adnaan was already turning red due to anger. After reaching fifth floor Sara was standing on the door of their apartment but Adnaan's unlocking the door because he was busy in attending an official call but his main motive was only to make Sara wait.

After all he was angry so, he could do anything out his anger.

"Give me keys" When he end the call Sara demanded but he ignored her and took steps towards the next apartment. Sara was gawking at him when he rang the doorbell of that apartment.

"Adnaan bhai.." A girl exclaimed with cheerful voice and Sara also stepped towards that apartment. "Come in" She chirped and Adnaan stepped in the apartment at the same time Sara also went there and she was also welcomed by the happy go lucky girl who was no one else but Neha.

"Sameer bhai, thank for the car" passing the keys Adnaan said to the man in his early thirties and sat down on sofa beside him

"Neha why are you standing here? Go and make tea for me." Adnaan ordered Neha in friendly manner and she laughed lightly as so all the other family members but sara was confused on that much informal conversation between neighbours.

But Sara didn't know that Neha and her family was just like a second family for Adnaan.

Adnaan use to call Neha's mother khala (aunty) and she also shower her love on Adnaan just like a son. Neha was like a younger sister for Adnaan and Sameer was like an elder brother. In short that family was very close to Adnaan.

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