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The guilt ridden Adnaan was sitting in his room, trying to sleep but that was impossible for him, whenever he was closing his eyes Sara's tearfilled eyes were again and again coming in front of him. He was hell cruel but somewhere there was a spot in his heart which felt hurt whenever he give pain to Sara. He was trying to find out a single reason due to which he hated Sara that much but there wasn't anything except childhood teasings, quarrelling and arguments. During childhood There was a stubbornness between both of them to create problems to made each other annoyed and that stubbornness leaded that mild hatred but Adnaan was taking that mild hated to an extreme level. He was busy in his thoughts when listening small voice from outside, throwing all the thoughts aside he went towards the door of room and peeped out.

"Now what's this nonsense?" He muttered and sighed while going back to bed. Sara was sitting on sofa holding a cup of tea in her hand and a novel in other hand, she was yawning with half close eyes but reading the novel.

"She is mad as same as childhood but now her presence around me is making me mad!" Adnaan mumbled and soon he was sleeping peacefully without knowing the reason behind Sara's midnight reading!


"Ammi forced me to get married so, that I could get meal on time but here I'm arranging hers" Adnaan muttered while coming back to home after buying butter, bread, eggs and milk for her breakfast. He placed the all those things in fridge and drew out all the cereal and flour containers from his room which he hide yesterday. Sara was sleeping on the couch of living room, the novel was covering her face, four empty cups of tea were laying there.

"Chuhiya" Adnaan rolled his eyes and picked those cups and made his way back to his room to get ready for office. Standing in front of mirror he was wearing shirt when noticed the nail marks of his wife which were present on his chest, collar bone and neck.

"Ye chuhiya nhi, jangli billi hai" Touching those half healed wounds He muttered and smirked when remembered how they both were.

(She is not mouse but wild cat)

Smiling like mads he buttoned up his shirt, but suddenly "Why are you smiling?" looking towards himself in mirror he asked, after stopping his heart to think about her he pick his laptop and checked the emails in mobile. Stepping out from the room he found her still sleeping, she is such a bat, she was awake whole night but sleeping now" Rolling his eyes he close the curtains as well as lights. Her face was still covered with the book, kneeling down in front of her he picked the book slowly and... "Troy..." she mumbled and Adnaan furrowed his brows "Who is Troy? Her boyfriend?" He muttered with confusion and scratches his back, somewhere he was shmure that Sara didn't had any boyfriend but that name confused him. "I hate you Troy" Sara muttered and Adnaan was confused, he looked at, the name if book that was Far from the Madding  Crowd by Thomas Hardy. "Oh God she is talking about Sergeant Troy of this Novel! Such a mad she is" Adnaan felt irritation with that thinking but placed the book on table before covering Sara with a blanket which was laying down on floor. But Sara turned her side and grabbed his hand in deep slumber.

"What's she doing? Idiot, duffer, mad" He muttered and pulled his and away while making an unpleasant face.


Sara woke up in afternoon, the dim light coming inside the room through sheer fabric of floral print curtains was making whole environment so relaxing and calm, she smiled while hugging the pillow but suddenly realised that she was  covered with blanket which she intentionally throw away from herself. She noticed the novel placed on the Centre table and the empty cups of tea were nowhere.

"He isn't this much good to take care of mine but why he is doing this? Now there isn't anyone whom he want to show all these things!" throwing the blanket from herself she mumbled and stood up. After freshen up she went to kitchen and found all the containers on their correct place.

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