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Ignoring A hive of activities, along with the big messy desk, stake of files, a mug of tea which was already turned cold, Scattered pens, USB and pen drives I was Running my fingers on the soft press keys of laptop, completely focusing on my work. The blue, green and red bar graphs displaying on my laptop screen were showing the progress of company as well as my life too... Because every graph was growing with time as so my life.

Either in the terms of finance or in the terms of love and relationships my life was growing positively and I was glad for that.

I was the first person of my family who decided not to take part in my already well settled real estate family business but decided to serve in someone else's company.

My salary was almost half or maybe less than what I could earn from my family business but I wanted to prove myself that I could do something at my own.  No family member of mine wanted to send me Hyderabad, But eventually they had to accept my demand and I started doing job in a small company but soon I was fired due to my weak performance, I couldn't go back to my home holding my failure, I couldn't afford to prove my family members correct that I wasn't good for job! I had faced many problems but didn't inform my parents what I was facing, I did job in bank for some period and finally I got this job... These three years were not less than a roller-coaster ride for my life but made me ambitious to grow more and fly high. But in those three years I had made those mistakes which I shouldn't...

Actually those weren't mistakes but sin which is killing me from inside. I'm regretting every single moment but I couldn't change my past!

The only thing I could do is asking forgiveness from my almighty, and taking pledge to not do anything like that again! Stopping my hands to type further I moved my head left and right to bear with stiffness of muscles.

"Rahul.." I call a colleague of mine and he hummed in response.

"Dude print these files and make three copies" I told him while handling the pen drive in his hand and he left from there after nodding his head.

Rolling my sleeves, I leaned myself backward, my shoulders and nape was paining. That was lunch time but I did not want to go for lunch, I was feeling full because my chef wife already feed me more than enough in breakfast.

"Want massage" a voice fall in my ear at the same time two hands grabbed my shoulders slowly pressing those fragile fingers in my shoulders.

"No.. I don't want" Grabbing her waist in my hand I said and pushed her hand away from my shoulder.

"What happened why are you angry?" She asked and I moved my office chair backwards and saw her with sharp gaze.

I was really worried about her behaviour towards me!

"Mansi stop doing these things," I said while leaving my chair and taking a step backward and her expressions were changed.

"What I'm doing? Adnaan we're good friends! I'm just offering you massage"

"Mansi do you offer massage to your every friend?" I asked showing my anger, he should understand that everything was over years back!

"Why are you shouting on me?" she asked while glaring me

"I'm not shouting, but trying to make you remember that everything in between us is over! So stay in the limits of friends!" First time ever I shouted on her and she keep watching me for a long moment. At the same time my mobile started ringing and that was Sara's call.

" Ab ise kya musibat hai?" mumbling that with frustration I received the call.

(now what's her problem?)

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