Chapter 9

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Jennie's POV

"Why isn't your seatbelt on?" I asked the girl as my feet pressed against the break lightly. We were currently at the stoplight.

"Seat you mean these straps?" She asked.

"Yes, you're supposed to secure them so you don't die in an accident."

"How do you secure it?" Lisa questioned.

I groaned and leaned over to her, my hands gripped the rough black material and brought it down to her waist. The seatbelt was different from other cars. It had three loops, almost like a sports car.

I took the third loop and brought it between her thighs. A blush spread across my cheek when I clipped it in securely. My mind wouldn't stop focusing on the fact that my hands were between Lisa's legs

"Feelings comfortable down there cupcake?" She smirked, I quickly withdrawed my hand and placed them on the steering wheel.

Lisa's laugh echoed through the car, her arm rested against the leather interior as her eyes looked out the window.

My feet pressed against the gas, my half opened window brought in the cold wind that flung my short hair backwards.

"What is this torture device that we're in?" She asked.

"The car?"

"Yes, I see humans in them all the time."

"It's a vehicle, we use it to get around faster instead of walking "

"How do you control such a thing?"

"Well, we control the speed with our feet and our direction with our hands, like this." I smiled and turned the wheel to the right, making it onto the parking lot.

"Fascinating." Lisa said in awe. I chuckled and pulled into an empty spot.

Sooya and Rosie parked in the available spot next to me and we all hopped out the car.

"Oh I love the oxygen!" Lisa squealed as she inhaled the fresh air into her lungs .

"Settle down now, we don't want you popping Molly's next." Sooya smirked.

"Who is this Molly you speak of?"

"She's a bitch, don't worry about that girl." Sooya assured.

"We stay far away from bitches, got it." Lisa smiled. I rolled my eyes and headed towards the entrance.

"I need to get a skateboard." Sooya mumbled  "You skate?" Rosie asked the girl.

"No, but I'll try after today." She laughed. We walked into the entrance and the door sliders parted.

"What sorcery is this!" Lisa yelled when the doors parted and the cold air touched her skin

"Don't worry, it's built like that." I laughed, she eyed me weirdly and walked into the building, giving a death stare at the doors.

"She's something else." Rosie chuckled.

"I think she's adorable." Sooya smiled, Rosie's neck snapped in the girl’s direction and gave her a death glare.

"Alright girls, where do we start first?" I asked.

"Gap." Sooya smirked.

We headed in the direction of the first store and my eyes immediately landed on a sky blue hoodie.

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