Chapter 14

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Jennie's POV

"Oh shit, sorry." Lisa hissed.

My eyes looked up to find her covering her face with her palms. I chuckled and wrapped my towel tighter around my body. The water droplets ran down my skin and touched the bare floor as I walked into my bedroom.

"It's okay, it's not like I'm naked." I chuckled.

"Yeah I'm sorry, I shouldn't even be in here." She muttered.

It's been a few weeks since Lisa's stayed with me. My parents still haven't returned from their business meetings. It's been two months!

As each day go by, I still couldn't figure myself out. I always saw myself as straight, I never felt something towards any female. Sooya's gay, I never found myself attracted to her or any other female before.

It's just all so confusing, I knew I told Lisa that I didn't want it to confuse our friendship but it really was starting to.

That kiss... It was something special... But do I want to push it further? Should I? I'm not even sure, which basically means I shouldn't.

I'm not appalled by the fact that I might like someone of the same gender but it's just new to me.

Lisa has been staying in another room of the house, she knew I needed space to think about stuff but... She's been distant lately.

I couldn't blame her, I blame myself. I started it. I told her I needed space and my dumbass didn't speak to her for weeks.

I don't know what came over me, I just couldn't find the will to be in the same room with her. I just feel so many emotions when I'm near her

It's almost suffocating to look at her.

So I purposely distanced myself and I now I hate myself for it. I could have spent those weeks learning her. Learning the way she thinks, learning to way she acts, learning how to control myself around her.

But nope, stupid me just had to stay away. At this point, I don't know what to do.

What I was sure about was, I really missed Louis. It's stupid. Yes I'm stupid.

A/N: Yeah you are.

When you give two years of yourself to someone, it's hard to just let them go in just two months. I'm so accustomed to having him here.

He was an ass, a real dumbass. But he was here when I always needed him to be. Except when he had practice.

I'm not saying that I want him back, I'm just saying that it's been a while since I've done anything with a guy.

A/N: It's been two months! That's not a while!

Maybe I need to put myself out there? Dip my toes back into the dating lifestyle and see what it has to offer.

"It's okay, do you need something?" I asked the girl.

"Um... Yeah, Reum wanted to know if you wanna go grab something to eat."

Ah yes, Reum. She's been staying here for the past two months. Her father is always busy just like my parents so they mutually agreed to make my life a living hell. Aka, make Reum stay with me.

The next part was how close Lisa and Reum has gotten. They were like two peas in a pod. Connected by the hips. It was annoying.

They finished each other's sentences like they knew each other since they were tiny swimming sperms.

There wasn't a minute when they weren't together. I knew then snuck into each other's room when the night came. The thought of what they would do in that room sent me mentally insane.

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