Chapter 3

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Jennie's POV

I pushed my glasses closer towards the bridge of my nose, my short brown hair fell in front of my face, I quickly ran a hand through my hair and flipped it to the side. My back pressed against the cold locker.

The smell of disgusting sweaty students passed by, it was the end of the day and the drained zombies walked around, awaiting for the final bell.

"It's the last day of the schooooool, what are we doing Jen?" My best friend asked as she slung her arm around my shoulder.

"I don't know, maybe I'll go home and eat ice cream." I chuckled.

"Ugh, boring. We should have a movie night together." She smiled

"I don't know Sooya, I really don't feel like it." I mumbled, my fingers fidgeted with each other, it was something I did when I was nervous.

"Oh, I get it, you got plans with your boyfriend." She rolled her eyes. Dammit, caught.

"I'm sorry, Sooya, you know how he-"

"I don't care Jennie, if you wanted to spend time with him, you could have say so. You didn't have to lie." She shrugged her shoulders.

"Ugh, I hate this." I groaned and pressed my back further into the lockers.

"You wanted commitment, now you got it." She chuckled.

"It's our third anniversary tonight, he wants to come over." I said.

"You know exactly what he wants." She said glaring at me.

"My parents won't be home for the next three weeks, he knows what he's doing." I said.

"Why do you put up with him?" She said.

"Because I love him. He's my first boyfriend. My everything." I sighed.

"He's a jerk with a mop for hair." She said crossing her hands across her chest.

"He's still the first guy I've ever loved." I mumbled.

"And I'm telling you, girls are better. At least you'll have an orgasm with us girls." She chuckled.

"I'm sure they are, but I'm not gay Sooya." I gggled.

You see, Sooya was one of the girls out of the closet in our school, she's proud of who she is and who she loves. It's something I always admired about her.

"I'm not pushing anything sweetheart, but you never know." She smiled.

"There's Rosie." I nodded in the direction of our friend.

"Rosie!" Sooya shouted, the girl whipped her neck around and her eyes landed on us, a smile pulled across her face as she ran over towards us.

"Hi girls." She smiled widely and greeted us.

"Where have you been?" Sooya questioned.

"Cheer meeting, the team wanted to nominate another captain next season." She sighed.

"I hope those dumbasses nominated you." Sooya retored. Rosie's eyes met ours, she had a fake disappointed look on her face.

"Quit the bullshit and tell us." I said laughing.

"How do you know me that well." She groaned.

"We know when you're pretending, I know it better than others." Sooya whispered lowly, a blush pulled across Rosie's cheek. I couldn't help but chuckle.

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