Chapter 13

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Lisa's POV

"What was that all about?" Reum whispered. Our eyes focused on the heated girl that stomped her way out the living room.

She seemed so pissed, her fists were balled tightly and her veins were visible. I wonder what seemed to be the problem, there wasn't anything happening here to be angry about.

Reum sighed and turned her attention back towards me but my eyes were still on the girl that disappeared around the corner, perhaps she went to splash some water on her face.

"What are you into Lisa?" She said, I furrowed my brows and stared at her.

"What?" I questioned.

"What do you like to do?" The girl asked again.

"There's not much I did back at home. Women weren't allowed to take adventures, the men were the only ones allowed to leave beyond the line of our city. One time I snuck out to go to a party, but I was sadly caught. According to my father, it's no place for a woman to disobey the orders of a man. They had to stay home and do the cook-"

"Cooking and the cleaning and the washing. Yeah, I know." Reum rolled her eyes. I tilted my head as I observed her.

"Have you dealt with this before?" I questioned.

"No one could dare force me to do that. They'd be dead to think I could follow the rules of a man that degrades a woman or fits them into a category of utter shit. But my mother did. Hyunsuk -my father-" She assured. "He's a control freak, so traditional. He sees women as a way of sex and comfort."

"How so?"

"He thinks women should sit still, look pr-"

"Look pretty." I gasped when I finished her sentence. Reum chuckled at me. We seemed to be finishing each others sentences as the conversation went on

"I say that all the time. It's literally my sarcastic motto back home." I laughed.

"Some men in this world need to be hit with a pan behind their head, I swear." She rolled her eyes.

"Hyunsuk thinks the job of a woman is to cook, clean and feed parasites when they're hungry. Pop a titty in their mouth."

I furrowed my brows when she said parasites. Did she mean-

"Are you talking about babies?"

"Same thing." She rolled her eyes, I laughed.

"I hate children too, they're sticky and disgusting." I scrunched my face in disgust, Reum's eye's lit up.

"Right? Some people think they're cute. I mean... They are... But they're not so cute when they're shitting all over your leg and crying all day that it literally damaged your eardrums." She groaned.

"Right?! They're cute when they're calm but most days it's not that adorable when they vomit all over your body in the middle of a meeting." I laughed.

"That's why I'll adopt a kid when they're 13." I smiled.

"Exactly! Oh my God." She giggled.

"I'll get a 15 year old, then we could play video games all day." She said.

In the corner of my eyes I see Jennie, she leaned her frame against the door entrance and she glared at us. Her mouth moved fast as she muttered something to herself.

"Hello Jennie, nice of you to join us again." Reum smirked.

"Sorry. I had to do something." She muttered as she approached us. Jennie sunk back into the chair she previously sat on and pulled her phone to her chest.

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