Chapter 3

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I let my eyes travel over the beach trying to get my bearings before diving headfirst into it. Over towards the left I can see a small campfire with big logs surrounding it. On these logs sat a load of teenagers, some smoking, some making out and all drinking. Wanting to identify where said alcohol was being supplied, I started walking towards the centre of the party. 

After about 5 minutes of walking around aimlessly, I finally find the unmanned keg. Don't mind if I do. I quickly fill my cup before deciding the campfire was a good place to sit seeing as it was getting quite dark. 

I get about halfway there before my beer goes flying all over me, drenching my clothes. I look up to see the culprit, who was apologising profusely. I manage to school my look of shock expertly before addressing her.

"Sarah Cameron. Didn't think I'd be seeing you this soon"

God. What I wouldn't give to have her face photographed and put up on my wall right now. Her face displayed the utter confusion, but I could see the slight recognition in her eyes. 

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

I let out a humourless laugh, "Ouch Lizzie. Has it really been that long?"

"No. Freaking. Way. Juliet?" she exclaimed, disbelief in her eyes as she looked me up and down, before throwing her arms around me tightly. 

I immediately return the hug laughing. Sarah and I were good friends when we were younger, I might even go as far as to say best friends at some point, especially when we made the move to figure 8. She always stood up for me when her brother was being an ass, which was 24/7. Pulling away from our hug, it was obvious she was still in shock. 

"What?... How?... When?" she exclaimed

"Ah, all in good time my friend. But right now, you owe me a new beer" I say, purposely sidestepping her questions. 

She grimaces as she looks down at my outfit with an apologetic look in her eyes.  I just give her a reassuring grin before grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the keg for a refill. We get there, get our drinks and sit down on a nearby rock.

"So, when did you get here?"

I look at my non-existent watch for dramatic effect, "About 4-5 hours ago"

"Really? Where are you and your parents living then? Because your old house got sold pretty quickly." 

It's an innocent question, but it's once that makes my entire body stiffen. I lift my cup to my lips and take a long, slow sip hoping some sort of answer will miraculously come to me. 

"I uh-" I start, not entirely sure what was going to come out before someone shouts across the beach,


We both snap our heads over to the voice and see Topper stood about 100m away beckoning Sarah over to him. Sarah shakes his head at him and points to me, as a sign of saying she's staying here. 

Immediately seeing this as a way to escape the dreaded question I reply with, "Go" she looks over at me confused so I add, "he's obviously just gonna keep staring at us with that sad puppy look until you go over and tell him what a good boy he his."

She laughs before saying, "you sure?"

"Yeah, go see him." I say with a genuine smile so she knows I mean it. She gets up and begins walking away before turning back to me with a look of regret on her face,

"Listen, I know that they weren't the nicest to you back in the day" understatement of the century, "but I promise they're not actually bad guys." she pauses before adding, "well except Rafe. I don't think he knows how to be anything but a dick" 

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