Chapter 15

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I jolt awake as John B parks the car in front of some sorta country club. 

"What'd he do?" I rush out, before I even think

"Who?" Pope asks

"JJ" I reply, as though it was obvious. 

The rest all chuckle as JJ shoots me a side glare. However, once I smile sweetly at him, he struggles to keep the smile off his face. 

"All right keep a lookout" JJ says as he reaches down to get a gun, "we're behind enemy lines"

"Yo, come on man. Put it back" John scolds, "JJ"

"You can never be too careful" he jokes as Pope and I get out the van, standing either side of JJ's window

"Hey, I predict bringing a weapon to a four-star hotel, will likely cause more problems than it will solve"

"Thank you Pope" John B agrees

Kie leans over the front, "I swear to god, I'm gonna throw that thing in the ocean JJ" she warns, making me chuckle

John B grabs the gun and puts it where it was before. 

"You can't hold a gun like that bro" he complains before leaning forward to grab his work tag, "can't forget my badge" 

He gets out the car, flashing his badge to me, "professional busboy" 

"wooowwwww I'm impressed. You're really moving up in the world" I say, placing a hand on his shoulder. 

"Okay where are we going now?" Pope questions

"We're getting on the internet because only rich people have electricity now" JJ explains


JJ leads us through the busy kitchen, greeting his friends.

"Mama L, Good to see you" he greets as he tries to steal a shrimp off the plate.

"Hey no JJ" she scolds, slapping his hands away

"You need some sort of leash." I tease

"Hmmm sounds kinky"

"Oh yeah it is. You never tried it?" I tease, "No? and here I thought you were some sort of sex god of the island. Up for anything am I right?"

"You offering sunshine" 

"Time and place Maybank" I tease, not letting him win

"Wait what" he stops suddenly 

I laugh before leaning up to whisper in his ear, "In your dreams" before walking off, sending him a smirk over my shoulder. 

"You see how they got the backup generators running? Kooks don't miss a beat" JJ points out.

We sneak into what seems to be a computer room

 "Oh sweet lord the internet, I've missed you" he sighs

"You want us to leave the room or..." I question, only to be sent an unimpressed look. 

"Let me get in there. Gotta check out my insta models" JJ says, making me roll my eyes. 

"We don't have time" Kie says

"I got the map" John B rushes

"Coordinates please?" Pope asks before inserting them into the computer

John B and Pope start talking about something I don't understand, so I grab JJ's hand and start playing with the rings on his fingers. He doesn't seem to mind, so I don't stop. 

The Original Pogue- JJ MaybankWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu