Chapter 23

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I push my legs harder and harder as run down the familiar streets leading to his house. I had to see him, I have to know that he's okay. 

My feet come to a stop when his house comes into view. I find myself doing a quick prayer that he's okay. Can't hurt right? 

As I creep closer to the house, not wanting to alert Luke that I'm here, the booming sound of music echoes loudly. I quickly make the decision to go to JJ's window because the likelihood of Luke being in there is slim. 

JJ is not going to be happy that I came. He hates it anytime I'm near his dad, afraid that he might accidently hurt me. But I couldn't give less of a shit right now. 

I let out a small sigh of relief when his window is open, but my relief vanishes when I see JJ pacing his room, hands covering his ears, trying to protect himself from Lukes vicious words. 

"Shut up!" JJ shouts as he pounds on the door. This springs me into action as I push myself up and climb through his window. As my feet land on his floor, he looks up to meet my eyes. 

I can't help the gasp that leaves my mouth as I take in the sight of him. He has bruises on his jaw and there's a cut on his cheek bone, suggesting that Luke actually made him bleed. Fucking bastard. 

"No, no, no" JJ panics, shaking his head but not removing his hands from his ears, "you can't be here, you have to go. What if he comes in? Jules you gotta go." 

"No" I say softly, shaking my head

"Sunshine, you have to go"

"No" I say with more conviction, making his eyes widen, "I'm not leaving you here alone"

"You are a worthless piece of shit!" Luke yells from the other side of the door, making us both jump. 

JJ's breathing starts to become more erratic, and he takes a seat on his bed. I quickly make my way over and stop in front of him. 

Luke continues to throw insults from the other room. I have half a mind to go tell him to shut up, but I don't have a death wish. If luke didn't kill me, JJ would for putting myself in danger. 

I know that JJ is trying to ignore his words, but I also know that some of them are playing on his insecurities, making it impossible for him to ignore. 

I take another step towards him, and grab his hands. He opens his eyes looks at me confused as I remove them from his ears. He tries to resist, but I manage to pull them away anyway. I quickly place my hands over his ears instead. JJ relaxes slightly when he realises what I'm doing. 

He uses his free hands to reach forward and pull me on his lap, accepting that I wasn't going to leave. My legs wrap around his torso, keeping myself from falling. His arms wrap around me tightly, as if he's scared to let go. He lets out a shaky breath as he leans forward, resting his forehead on my chest. 

"You're a piece of shit! Even your mama knew! Where you gonna get 30 grand!" Luke shouts again, making JJ tense underneath me. 

I lean down to his ear and remove one of my hands ever so slightly so that he can hear me. 

"Ignore him Jay. He's the piece of shit, not you. Just ignore him. I got you. I'm here." I repeat again and again in his ear, trying to divert his attention from the abuse being shouted at him from next door. 

JJ relaxes slightly at my words, and tries to pull me closer, but it's not physically possible. I tighten my legs around him, hoping to bring him some comfort as my hands are still covering his ears. 

"We never wanted you! Your mother was just too stupid to get rid of ya when she could" he shouts. I swear to fuck, if JJ didn't obviously need me, I would storm in there and sew his mouth shut. 

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