Chapter 30

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The sun creeps through the blinds of the chateau, causing me to groan as I'm awoken from my deep sleep. A vibration on my back and a deep chuckle in my ear tells me that he's already awake. 

"Good morning sunshine" he whispers in his husky morning voice, hot, before planting a kiss on my cheek.

"No" I reply simply, refusing to open my eyes.

"No?" he questions, humour lacing his voice.

"Mornings are not good. Mornings are never good. Sleep is good." I state matter of factly, making him laugh.

"Not even when I'm here?" he whispers, pressing sweet kisses on my face and neck.

I can practically hear the smirk in his voice. 

"Hmmmmm, what makes you think that would help?" I ask, failing to keep the smile off my face as I open my eyes to see his blue orbs and a cheeky smile. Although my attempt is commendable. 

"Because you get to wake up in the arms of your hot, sexy, funny, dashingly handsome, pro surfer of a boyfriend." he teases.

"Oh really?" I ask, feigning a look of confusion and start looking around the room., "Have you seen him by any chance?"

He looks at me unimpressed, but his eyes are full of amusement. He brings one of his hands up and guides my face back to look at him.

"Found him yet?" he asks.

I chuckle at his antics, "Who exactly did you say I was waking up in the arms of?" I question

"Your hot, sexy, funny, dashingly handsome, pro surfer of a boyfriend" he repeats as his smirk returns.

"Righttttt" I start, "do you want me to leave you alone with the mirror or...." I tease

"Shut up" he jokily complains as he shakes his head.

"Don't think I will" I counter,

"I think you should" he counters

"I'll make my own decisions" 

"Shut up or I'll make you" 

"Is that a challenge?"

Silence surrounds us as the room suddenly becomes tense and JJ's eye's darken. Before I can even blink, his mouth is on mine and he's hovering on top of me, his hands either side of my face. His tongue immediately pushes through my lips and meets mine with a dominant force. Our lips move together perfectly as my hand comes to the back of his head and I play with the hair at the nape of his neck, making him groan slightly. 

I wrap my legs around his body and pull him towards me, needing him to be closer. His lips leave mine and start travelling down my neck. I let out a soft moan when he begins to suck on soft spot near my collarbone. 

Suddenly a pound comes from the door, making JJ remove his lips from my neck. 

"Stop fucking around in there and come help us clean up!" Kie shouts from outside, "If you're not out here in 10 minutes I'm coming into to get you. I don't care if your butt naked!"

We hear her retreating footsteps and JJ's head buries itself into the crook of my neck and he wraps his arms around my waist as he lets out a long groan. I chuckle at his response, but wrap my arms around him anyway. 

"That ruined the mood" I joke, but JJ just jabs my side softly in reply, making me squeal. 

"I swear to god, if you've left a hickey. I'm gonna kill you" 

"No promises" he chuckles as his lifts his head to look at me. He reaches down and kisses me again before rolling off me. 

I sit up and climb out of bed and grab my clothes, ready to start the day when I realise that JJ hasn't moved. 

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