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" You're beautiful when you lie. "

- N.Z


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Nina popped her head cheerily around the door, beckoning Natasha to come over. She was on her knees, sifting through stacks of papers. "I'll be out in a second,"

When Zenic was gone, Natasha shoved them all in a pack, slinging it over her shoulder. The satchel dug into her skin, the bag unusually heavy for the few essentials she was carrying.

She climbed down from the riggings, jumping to stand beside Nina. Inej and Alessia were to her right. Natasha didn't bother returning their smiles. "We'll be waiting for you in Djerholm harbour," Rotty squeaked. "No mourners,"

"No funerals," they all mumbled back. The climb up the rocky shore was easy enough. Her boots were of Frejdan design, a gift from Zoya before she left for Ketterdam. The soles were a thick rubber - the leather, lined with fleece.

Whilst she waited for the others to catch up, she gazed out across the clifftops. The canvas masts of the Ferolind bobbed in the wind, almost as if waving a desperate goodbye.

"We're actually doing this," Inej said, falling onto the icy rock beside her.

"I miss that saint's forsaken ship," Natasha smiled at Inej's glare. She grabbed Alessia's hand, marching off with the others. Kaz had fallen into step behind them, talking lowly with Jesper.

Kaz had removed the silver crow head from his cane, replacing it with the usual wooden arch. Jesper's pearl guns exchanged for small concealable revolvers. Even Inej begrudgingly gave up her daggers in trade for Frejdan blades.

Natasha didn't share connections with her weapons. Not like the others did. But, she persuaded Kaz to allow her two heavy daggers. One concealed in the soles of her boot, and the other pressed along her ulna.

Alessia looked down at her silver compass, directing them south. "I'm going to pay someone to burn my kruge for me." Kaz fell into step beside Natasha.

"Why don't you pay someone else to pay someone to burn your kruge for you? That's what the big players do." Natasha smiled.

"You know what the really big bosses do? They pay someone, to pay someone to ..." Kaz added. They all laughed softly, trekking further ahead. Inej was spry on her feet on the ground, not ice. In her new boots, she slipped, steadying herself against Wylen's already shaking shoulders.

"Alessia, why don't you go help your girlfriend?" Natasha said kindly. She took the compass from her hand, reading the small red dials. Kaz was watching her silently, looking away when someone slipped up to their side.

"You cold?" He asked, breaking the frosted silence surrounding them. She blinked up with snow-encrusted lashes, her lips nearly blue. It was a shame the darkness provided no warmth.

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