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the next day when we walk in the compound Nik, Elijah, and Freya are in the sitting room

"Ah, brother" Nik says "Where have you been?"

"With me" Ace says popping his head in "This place is huge by the way"

"Right" I chuckle messing up his hair "Stay here and I'll go pack my things. Don't disappear Ace"

"I won't" my boy says holding up his hands "as uncle Lijah says, I give you my word"

Ace's pov.

dad walks away leaving me with my aunt and uncles

I take a seat beside uncle Nik "Hello"

he blinks at me "I don't know what you think you're doing but you aren't my nephew"

"I am" I state "but if you choose not to believe I am then it's fine. You'll just loose dad in the mean time.....where is Rebekah and Kol????"

they don't answer

"Acadian" Freya reprimands

"Freya" I say back in the same voice "You are not my mother and you are not my father....so where in the story are you?"

"The part where she made us immortal" she sighs

"oh the part where we sleep forever only to wake up for one year" I yawn "story of my life quite literally"

after forever

Elijah brings us to the upstairs living room

"Rebekah" Freya says

they hug

"You two just met" I point out "I don't know if you should hug someone you just met, Freya"

"She is family" my aunty counters "You're to paranoid for your own good"

"Yes and that has kept us away from Dahlia for what.....five years now?" I counter with a snarl "Now you're planning to help her.....every time you use magic she senses it"

Freya doesn't say anything "we can't live in fear"

"It keeps us alive" I growl "I will do this spell because I can cloak it.....you should have paid more attention to what she was saying I guess"

Freya scoff "even after everything she's done you're still the perfect little witch"

with a look her neck snaps

"What was that" Elijah asks looking down at a dead Freya

"I snapped her neck" I say "don't worry she'll soon wake to annoy everyone with her holeyer then though bull shit"

"Language" Rebekah counters

"When your grandparents conspire to give you away to your crazy great aunt and make your parents think you're dead then you get the right to cuss" I counter "Sit still Rebekah this might hurt.....well it wouldn't but I really want it too"

uncle Nik chuckles "You're just like Skule"

"Oh so I am Acadian now am I" I sass "Okay it's a very simple spell-" uncle Nik rushes behind me so I throw him into a wall "And now I won't help....that play would have worked with sweet naïve aunt Freya. She's soft when it comes to family. She just wants to be loved, poor innocent Freya. Case in point, her unending faith in me! I've done awful things for Dahlia and then for myself. See we have a lot of things in common; I'm a monster, you're a monster, and we will both do anything to get what we want. I will kill you uncle Niklaus and then I will smile at your ashes as I hand over Hope for my freedom. You see I only care about two people, my father and my mother." then I brake his neck as well

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