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When I get down there everyone's just looking at him

"What are you doing" I ask "And where is Elijah?"

"she's channeling me" Haley admits "I can't go in the circle because of it"

with a huff I enter the circle and pull out the blade

seconds later Klaus wakes

"Welcome to the land of the living brother" I say "now gets your ass up because we need to stick this in Marcel before Elijah dies"

going up the stairs Klaus sticks the blade in Marcel and we flee through the damn pipe

we exit the pipe when Rebekah attacks Klaus with a hug

"Hey, you can hug him later. We need to leave" Freya tells

"Marcel is right behind us" Hayley reveals "go. go"

as we attempt to leave he pops up in front of us "Actually, I'm right here"

we all get out of the fucking car

"You shouldn't have come back none of you" Marcel says

"That's what family does" fishy eyes says "we fight for each other"

"Elijah made me" I tell

"Yeah, so I've heard" Marcel huffs "though it didn't really work out for me, did it"

"Oh, for god's sake, you were never a Mikaelson, get over it" Kol states "Don't you have a city to run? Vampire's to boot out of town"

I whistle

Marcel steps threateningly towards us

Rebekah blocks his back "If you want to kill one of us, you'll have to kill us all"

"Hey, don't push me, Rebekah"

"A proper lovers quarrel" I smirk "Come now, kiss and make up"

Elijah hits me over the head

"That's enough" Klaus states "that's enough, Marcel, you've won. New Orleans was our city once. Now it's yours for good"

"Is the great Klaus Mikaelson accepting defeat? Or is this all just another distraction?"

rolling my eyes I snap his damn neck in a flash "Can we go now? Elijah has promised me that I could leave after this"

that's when we go to Hayley's house

"Dare I ask why you still have that" Freya asks Kol

"Just doing a favor for a friend of a friend" Kol tells "Now I'm ready for a bourbon"

"Five years have never felt so long" Klaus tells "Thank you for not abandoning me"

"to be fair I didn't volunteer to be stuck somewhere for five years or to come save you. I was forced" I tell "I could use some scotch and a one way ticket out of here"

Klaus looks at me

I was expecting to see rage but I saw sadness

without thinking about it I start walking away

"Hope still talks about you" fishy eyes says "she always wants to stay up and watch the stars because that's what she remembers about you and she won't let anyone call her princess"

I give her a look "I can't.....it hurts. Why does she get to live while my Ace is dead. I can't look at her without feeling rage that he's dead" then I walk away


the whole fucking family is on the porch

Elijah and now Freya won't let me leave

"What's the hold up?" Kol asks "All right, we recued Nik, we escaped mortal danger why are we not on a private jet to Saint-Tropez? You can catch up on the last five years when we're on our way-- I can assure you haven't missed much. You know besides Skule being a dick"

"Circumstances have changed we will leave here soon" Elijah says

"why can't I leave now" I seethe

"the moment we let you leave you'll run back to New Orleans so that Marcel can kill you" Freya says

I huff "Who cares"

Klaus gives me another sad look "We're not going anywhere today, I want one day of peace with me daughter. Before we uproot her"

"Everybody, look who's awake" fishy eyes says

a girl who looks like Hayley walks out

"She looks like fishy eyes" I tell walking off the porch "thank god for small miracles" then I walk into the woods

Kol follows after me

we walk in silence until we get to road

"We're ditching this place aren't we" Kol finally asks

"I'm going back to New Orleans so I can die and be with Sofia" I tell "I don't know what you're doing"

"You can't" Kol says "Davina's dead and without you I'll be lost"

I look at him "Kol....it never gets easier"

"Please" his eyes start tearing up "You can go get yourself killed another time"

a sigh comes off me "fine, where do you wish to go? Saint-Tropez?"

"Sounds delightful" Rebekah says coming up behind us "I'm coming"

I shrug "Whatever, let's go"


at a nightclub vampires are feeding everywhere

then the one making out with Rebekah falls to the floor desiccating then more follow

"I haven't seen Vampires die like this since....Sofia was killed" Rebekah gasps

"And her sire line died with her" Kol and I finish

"Elijah" Rebekah gulps

looks like were going back

when we get back Klaus is being all broody

"Sounds like fun" Rebekah chirps "I could do with a bit of murder and mayhem. It might even lift Kol and Skule's spirits"

"Perhaps you should have stayed where you were"

"I should have never left. Elijah might still be alive"

"Or you'd be lying beside him"

"All right" I cut them off "Can we kill some people now?"

"Well, first things first. We need to destroy the weapons that give our enemy their advantage. Now, one scratch from the rosebush is lethal to us. Freya has tracked down the eight that remain, including the main plant. Here, in the Ninth Ward"

"Fine, so we burn them all and then we murder that wretched bitch" Rebekah says

"Lethal thorns, resurrected witches...what could possibly go wrong" Kol smirks

we go to the house the witches are at

"Can I interest anyone is a swift and painless death?" Rebekah jokes

"Oh, come now, Bek's" Kol smirks "Do we have to be so swift?"


I tear out a heart "You three talk too much"

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