Chapter 9

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* Kathleen *

I woke up to my phone ringing and hissed , rolling over , picking it up . 

" What ? " I practically yelled into the phone .

Most people were smart enough to know I wasn't a morning person . 

" I just wanted to see how you were handling Forks . " my mother's voice said into the phone . 

I sighed . 

" Oh it's all just so peachy ." I said sarcastically .

" Well , have you had ANY fun ? " she asked .

I thought about it a moment .

" They have a beach here . I guess that's fun . " I replied .

" See ! You're making the best of this. " my mother said.

" Yeah . Making the best of pergatory . " I snapped , hanging up the phone , getting up and changing into some skinny jeans and a tank top .

I brushed out my long hair and then walked downstairs , using my slippery socks to moon-walk into the kitchen and to my horror Bella was in the kitchen with Alice and Edward . I was just randomly moon walking and dancing and minding my own bussiness and I only saw them AFTER I'd already embarressed myself . Edward chuckled and I froze , clearing my throat as I grabbed an organge out of the fridge . 

" Feeling better? " Bella asked , laughing .

I shrugged .

" Must still be the pain meds or something ." I muttered . 

" Hey ! Kathy , how do you feel about a slumber party ? " Alice asked .

I blinked a few times . 

" Um .... a slumber party ? Really ?"

" I think it sounds like fun . Danica can meet Alice and Rose ." Bella suggested .

Everyone looked at me and I shrugged . 

" Alright then . "

Alice smiled and Bella just nodded .

" I'll uh ... go find Danny and tell her . " I said , grabbing my bag from the counter , about to moon- walk out the door .

" The Cullen's house at 7:00 ! " Bella called after me .

" Yeah yeah . " I called over my shoulder , grabbing my umbrella since Forks rain was unpredictable .

It seemed that just as I'd walked out the door , the rain started and so I put my umbrella up , covering my head as I looked around for Danny . I decided to call her when I didn't see her .

" Hello ? " Danica asked on the other end .

" Hey ,where are you ? " I asked .

" Your secret hideout . Why didn't you tell me the beach here was so beautiful ! " she exclaimed .

I scratched my head .

" Must've slipped my mind . " I muttered as I hung up and started walking to La Push .

It only took me a few minitues to get there and when I did , I spotted Danica with Embry . Oh well . Kathleen Swan : Ruining Moments Since 1997 . I ran a hand through my hair and walked up to them , noticing the rain was only sprinkle .  

" Tood-a-ling ! Danny-woo ! " I called sarcastically as I walked up to my friend .

She rolled her eyes . 

" Yes , Kathy-swoo ? " she said , playing along .

Embry chuckled .

" Unfortunately , our presence is requested at a slumber party . " I said , turning on my snobby accent .

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