Chapter 41

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* Kathleen *

And so , everything in the last couple days had led to this . Me sitting on Jacob Black's couch while his father was out of town seeing his sister and Jacob was parading around as a giant wolf . Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this picture ? I pushed my shoes off and propped my feet up on the couch , just sitting there . Could this be any more boring ? Just then Emily walked through the door . Oh great . 

" Hey , Kathy , I was just checking up on you . " she said , knowing that Jacob had already been gone a few hours .

I shrugged . 

" I'm fine . Bored . Annoyed. Irritated . But fine. " I said .

Danica was doing something with Embry's sister and I'd been all alone .

" Do you want to come help me cook ? I mean ... you don't have to , but it might be nice having some extra hands helping out . I know the boys would appreciate it . " she smiled .

I shrugged . 

" Sure , but I burn EVERYTHING . " I said , getting up off of the couch .

She giggled and we walked the short walk to her house . Once we got there , Emily handed me a bowl and some muffin mix . 

" Think you can handle those while I make some lunch ? " she asked , cocking an eyebrow .

" Pfft . I guess we'll find out . " I said , pulling open the box , just sort of throwing the mix in the bowl with some eggs , water , and butter . 

I sat on her counter with my legs criss cross apple sauce as I stirred the mix . 

" So .... I'm sorry about your father . " she said after a moment of silence.

I sighed .

" Yeah  ... I don't talk about it . " I said .

" I know . I just want you to know that I'm here if you need me . And you know that Jacob is there for you to . " she said .

I nodded .

" I know . Thanks . "

" You know , he really likes you . " she said .

I sighed .

" Unfortunately. " I muttered .

Emily looked confused for a moment.

" What do you mean ? " she asked .

" I don't really like people to care to much about me . I try not to get attached to people because in the end, everyone always goes away . " I murmered.

She looked even more confused.

" Is that what you think ? "

" That's what I KNOW . " I said , shaking my head .

" Let me tell you something , Kathleen . Jacob would do anything for you . He loves you . Without you , he was miserable and I honestly didn't know if he was going to be alright .He'd die for you . He just ..... he just wants to see you happy. You're his imprint . His soulmate . His other half . " she explained . 

I nodded .

" So I'm told . "

" Just ... don't be to eager to throw a good thing away . " she said and I nodded .

After I stirred the mix , I put the batter into the trays and slid the tray into the oven , sitting back , watching them cook while Emily and I talked about simple things .

" My mom used to cook with me all the time . " I said .

" Oh really ? That's great ! You really seem to care about your mom . " she observed .

I nodded.

"Yeah , I mean ... I guess it's because we were both in the same boat with my dad and we always had to stick up for eachother . But her way of handling it is keeping busy and that means alot of work . I hardly see her anymore . " I said, leaning against the counter .

She nodded. 

" I understand . My parents were both work a holics . " she added .

Just then , there was a knock on the glass door and I walked over answering it to see Kendal and James .

" We just wanted to see that you were alrig---- " James started , but I cut him off .

 " Boys ! James ! Kendal ! " I said , pulling them both into a hug .

Kendal chuckled .

" Kathy ! " he said just as excitedly . 

I turned to Emily who looked a little worried . 

" Emily, this is Kendal Russell and James Williams . I promise they won't hurt you ." I said calmly .

She still looked tense but nodded as the boys stepped in .

" Hello , Lovely home you have here . Miss ..... " James trailed off , not knowing her name .

" Young . Emily Young , but you can call me Emily . " she said nervously .

The timer on the muffins went off and I went over to pull them out . Kendal made his way over and shook his head . 

" Wrong. You'll burn yourself . Let me do it . " he said , grabbing the tray out easily , placing it on a towel on the counter.

I smiled.

" Thanks. " I said, nudging him playfully.

He rolled his eyes.

" Don't thank me , Alek would kill me if I let you get hurt ." he joked.

I rolled my eyes and bumped him with my hip .

" Is there anything we can help with before we go ? " James asked genuinely .

Emily looked surprised that they would offer , but shook her head . 

" No , but thanks for asking. " she said .

I looked at Kendal and James .

" I'm going to go take a walk with them . " I said , linking arms with them both .

She cleared her throat .

" What about Ja---- " I cut her off .

" Don't worry, Emily , Kendal and James have never let me get a scratch before . " I said sarcastically .

Kendal chuckled and nodded.

" Don't worry , we'll have her back soon . " James said reassuringly as we walked out and towards the beach .

" So ....they've already accepted you apart of thier little tribe or whatever they are ? " Kendal asked .

I rolled my eyes . 

" You're so judgemental , Kendal . " I said , shaking my head .

He shook his head.

" No I'm not . "

James laughed and nodded.

" Yeah you are . " he said .

" So , who has captured fair lady's heart . Alek or Jacob ? " Kendal asked , changing the subejct .

I sighed . 

" I don't know . " I muttered . 

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