Chapter 27

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* Kathleen * 

Alek drove me home and we promised to meet later . I was going to head over to thier house to study after dinner . To my surprise , my mom was home early , making dinner . That sort of relieved me that I wouldn't have to ATTEMPT to cook something . When I cooked , not even the dogs would eat it . I know . Sad, right ? 

" How was your day ? " my mother asked curiously .

I shrugged. 
" It was ..... normal . A normal day . " I said , not knowing I'd regret those words later .
" Look , Kathleen , we have to talk ." my mother said,suddenly serious.

" Sure . " I said , with a sigh , sitting down , thinking she was going to give me the " good grades" speech . 

" I got ... an offer . An opertunity of a lifetime . " she coutinued .

I nearly spit out my crab cake . 
" That's .... great . " I said .

She nodded .
" Wait ... what's the catch ? " I asked .

She sighed .
" I'm going to have to go over seas for a month. I've already made arrangements for you to go back and stay with your uncle next week ." she said .

I couldn't believe what I was hearing . I didn't want to go back to Forks . I wanted to stay in Rosedale . 
" No ! B-But .... Alek ! Alek ! I can't leave Alek ! " I spat out .

She shook her head .
" I'm sorry , but the pay is just to reasonable for me to turn down . I wanted to make sure you had an oppertunity to say goodbye to your friends and go to that little back to school dance ." 

" You're just like dad ! You don't care about me ! " I yelled , slamming my plate down , shattering it . 

I ran upstairs and picked up my phone , dialing a number. 
" Hello ? " Danica's voice asked.
" Hey ...." I said , biting my lip .
"Is something wrong ? "she asked , slightly worried .
" I umm . I'm moving to Forks for awhile . " I murmered .

" What ?! " she said .

" I know . I don't want to go . My mom got an offer . " I muttered .

She sighed . 
" You're really going to leave me here with these yahoos ? " she asked .

I laughed dryly .
" Unless you want to tag along ... " I muttered .

I heard a beeping on the other end of the line .

" Hey , Embry's calling me . I'll call you later. " she said and the line went dead .

I knew going back to Forks was inevitable and I knew that seeing Jacob Black was inevitable .I looked at the clock and decided I needed to see Alek . Not wanting to face my mother , I slid open the window and walked out onto the roof , sliding down into the bushes next to our house . 
" Damn . Just what I needed . A stick up my ass . " I muttered as I pulled the leaves out of my hair and started walking to Alek's .

I looked both ways before I crossed the street and didn't see anyone . I was walking across the road when I heard someone yell " Look out ! " it was sort of foggy and I guess the driver hadn't seen me . I practically saw my life flash before my eyes , but just as the car was about to hit me  , someone pushed me out of the way ,getting hit instead . I whirled around to see Alek in the middle of the street bleeding . I screamed in horror and ran over to him . 
" Alek ! A-Alek ! " I said , kneeling down beside him .

To my surprise , he got up casually , stretching .

" Ouch . " he muttered , his face all cut up . 
I looked at him in surprise .

" H-How did you .... " just then the driver got out .
" Are you okay ?! " they asked .

He nodded .
" I'm fine . Just a scratch . " he said .

" Do you want us to call someone for you ? " they asked and he shook his head .
" I have everyone I need right here . I'm fine ." he said , looking at me .

I couldn't belive this .

They nodded and got back in thier car , driving away .
" That's impossible . " I whispered , shaking my head , still teary eyed from the thought that he was dead .
" This wasn't the way I wanted you to find out. " He said quietly .

I just stood there in silence for a moment .
" Walk with me . " he said, extending his hand for me to take .

Apart of me wanted to run , but the more dominant part of me wanted to stay . With him .I nodded and took his hand as we walked out of the middle of the road and over to the sidewalk , walking back through the deserted town . We got to the park , covered in leaves from fall . He paused , looking down at me under the cover of the stars and the tall oak trees .

" I want to be honest with you . But you have to promise me that you won't run . " he whispered , putting a hand on my cheek , brushing a stay hair out of my face .

I looked up at him and nodded . 
" I promise I won't run . I could never run away from you. " I replied , just as quietly .

He sighed and squeezed my hand gently .
" I'm a ..... vampire." he muttered quietly .

I laughed .
" You can't be serious . " I said, shaking my head .

He looked at me for a moment .
" I am . You don't believe me ? How else could I be alive after that impact ? " he asked calmly .

" Oh God . " I whispered , tears streaming down my face harder .

" Shhh . " he said , stroking my cheek gently .
" Are you gonna .... " I trailed off , not wanting to think about it.
" Of course not. " he said with a chuckle that I would even think that . 

I stood there silent for a moment. 
" You can't tell anyone . " he said seriously .

I nodded .
" I ... won't . You saved me . " I whispered .

He looked down at me , keeping his hand on my cheek gently .

" If anything happened to you , I couldn't live with myself . " he murmered .

I looked down and bit my lip and then looked up at him .
" For a moment . A second ...  I thought you were dead and I thought that I'd lost you and .... for a second, I didn't know if I was going to be okay. " I admitted .

He grabbed my hand and placed it over his heart . I couldn't feel anything or hear it beating .

" If you listen closely, you'll realize that it only beats for you . " he said .

I looked up at him and closed my eyes , putting my head on his chest and this time I could hear it beating softly in my head . 

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