Chapter 13

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* Danica *

I got back from my date with Jared to see Kate storming around the house throwing stuff down as she " organized " them . I sighed , sliding my bag off of my shoulder. 

" What are you doing ? " I asked her , crossing my arms .

" Organizing ! What does it look like ?! " she snapped .

I shook my head and took the sponge out of her hands . 

" Calm down and tell me what is driving you up the wall . " I said calmly .

She grabbed the sponge from my hands and slid it out of my hands , throwing it down.

" Jacob . " she muttered .

I cocked an eyebrow . 

" The guy that saved you ? We haven't actually met . "I said . 

She shot me a glare and I put my hands up deffensively . 

" I was just asking ! What did he do that pissed you off so badly ? " I asked curiously .

" He won't get out of my face ! I hate people in my face ! " she said , and I knew that there must be something more to it then that .

" Was that all ? " I asked ,crossing my arms .

" He .... kissed me . " she grumbled.

I laughed .

" Is that a bad thing ? " I asked .

Her glare got even deadlier .

" Of course it is !  And I'm dating Paul now ! " she explained .

I burst out laughing , remembering Paul . 

" I'm sure that has to be .... interesting . " I said , clearing my throat as I tried not to laugh .

Kathy's cold exterior started to break down a little , but only for a moment before she caught herself and went back to her frenzy of organization .

"Well , I went on a date to . " I said , changing the subject .

" You did ? With Embry ? " she asked , happy to talk about something different .

I shook my head .

" Nope , Jared . I haven't said two words to him, but I've already named our children. " I replied.

Kathy shook her head , laughing .

" What ? " I asked her.

" My little Danny is growing up and turning into a boy magnent . Just remember that a date is an experience you have with another person that you appreciate being alone. " she teased , messing with my hair .

I casually smoothed it down , just happy that she wasn't so upset , even if it was my hair that had to suffer . 

" Someone's feeling better . " I added .

She rolled her eyes .

" I guess. " she said.

I smiled .

" You know, I think that Charlie might be having a summer cookout or something . " I said , recalling Charlie saying something about it that morning .

She nodded . 

" I guess that's cool . " she said with a shrug of her shoulders.

I laughed .

" Of course you would say that. "

She looked up at me and cocked an eyebrow .

" Whatever you say , Dan . " she said .

I nodded .

" Do you think I should dye my hair blonde ? " she suddenly asked .

I knew that practically her whole family was blonde and she'd always talked about dyeing her almost black hair .

" No . I just couldn't picture you as a blonde. " I said , making a face .

Kathy rolled her eyes and leaned back against the counter .

" This place is strange . " she muttered , walking into the other room .

" You have no idea . " I said quietly . 

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