Chapter 19

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* Kathleen *

I woke up the next morning and today seemed different. Very different, but I didn't know what made today different . I walked downstairs ,seeing Danny . I smiled at her and she looked at me awkwardly for a moment and then managed a small smile . I tilted my head to the side , narrowing my eyes . She was up to something . I casually stood across from her , leaning up against the cabinets , crossing my arms . 

" What was all the noise last night ? " I asked , cocking an eyebrow in her direction . 

Her jaw dropped , but she quickly covered it up and cleared her throat . 
" I was having a bad dream . " she said .

Liar. I'd known this girl since I was in middle school . Didn't help that I had extreme lie-detecting ability . At least when I really was paying attention . It was one of the reasons I knew people were more comfortable around me when I wasn't really listening to them .  I decided to play along , just to see how far she would go .

" I swear I heard something outside my window last night . A voice . Do you know anything about that ? " I asked , cocking an eyebrow . 

Danica nearly spit out her coffee and choked and I crossed my arms . She shook her head . 
" Maybe Bella was getting back from Edward's late . "she suggested quickly .

I narrowed my eyes at her .
" Bella came back 1 hour 2 minitues and 30 seconds before we went to bed . " I said .

Danica looked at me like I was crazy .
" Um ... nieghboors . Maybe nieghboors . " she muttered . 

" Don't lie to me , Danica . " I hissed .

She put her hands up in surrender . 
" I'm not . "

" You're lying about not lying ! Stop that ! " I finally said , slamming my fist on the counter .

She sighed .
" Fine . Embry. Embry came to see me last night . " she admitted finally with honesty .

I once again narrowed my eyes at her .

" Why ? " I asked .

" He wanted to appologize for .... uh .. Jacob ! That's it ! He wanted to appologize for Jacob's jackass syndrome . " she said .

I sighed .

" Alright . " I said .

" What ? Just like that ? " she asked .

I shrugged .
" I belive you . " I said ,

She smiled at me and Bella walked in .
" Hey . " she said , waving .

" Bella . I need to talk to you . " I said .

She sighed .
" Alright . "

I grabbed her hand and pulled her upstairs to my room . 

" What's up with Jacob ? " I demanded .

Bella looked surprised. 
" I-I don't know what you're talking about . H-He's fine . " she stammered .
" No , there's something up with him . Does he usually act like that ? " I asked.
" Like what ? "

" Like he ... like he has a .... secret ?! " then it clicked .
" Bella, what's going on ? " I asked .
" What do you mean ? " Bella asked.
" There's something that you aren't telling me and I want to know what it is . " I said , crossing my arms .
Bella looked incredibly worried that I would figure something out .
" You know what ? You're all in on it ! All of you ! Is it because I'm not part of your little club ?! The whole time ! " I said , jumping up , storming downstairs . 

Property of the Quileute Wolf Pack (1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora