Chapter 49

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* Kathleen * 

I woke up and walked downstairs to see Edward and Bella . Bella looked at me hopefully but I said nothing . Just walked passed her to the fridge . 
" You people make me sick . " I muttered , with an " Ick " sound and walked back , sitting on the couch . I'd just sat down when there was a knock on the door . 
" Damn you ! You destable pest . " I hissed .

I got up anyways and limped over to the door to see Jacob in a tux with a handfull of flowers .
" Uh ... hi . " he said clearing his throat .

" What's with the monkey suit , get lost . " I said , about to shut the door , but he put his foot in the door .
" Come on, Kathleen. Let me take you somewhere and I promise I'll leave you alone if you never want to see me again . " he pleaded .

I sighed and grabbed my coat , following him outside . 
" Fine , but I'm not wearing a monkey suit . " I grumbled , following him .

We walked down to La Push in silence and stopped when we got to the beach . I froze , flower petals scattered all over the beach with " I will love you forever " written out in huge letters in the sand . I gasped and shook my head . 

" Kathleen , please listen to me . I love you . I will love you forever . I can't imagine my life without you. Please ... let me back in. I want to be apart of your life . I want to spend ever moment of my life with you . I want to be the one you talk to . I want to be the one you come to after a bad day. "  he said , pausing.
" That's Danny's gig . " I said , speechlessly .

He chuckled .
" I love that about you . Your use of words . Your beauty , your sick jokes .... everything. Please , Kathy . Please . " he said , suddenly serious again .

I looked down .

" I love you too , Jacob . " I whispered , fighting back tears .

He smiled and pulled me into his arms , twirling me around with a kiss , holding me closer to him. In  that moment , the world could've ended and I wouldn't have cared . Jacob slid a white gold and sapphire ring onto my finger and held me , tighter .

* Alek *

I stood there on the edge of the treeline , leaning against an old oak tree watching the beach where Kathleen had found her prince charming . Jacob looked over at me and I looked back as if to say " Take care of her " . He nodded and , held her tightly , looking back down at her . I looked down with a small smile on my face . She was happy and that was all that matterered . 

" I just came to say goodbye . " I muttered and looked up at her one last time before turning and walking back through the forrest to the car where I knew Kendal and James were waiting to hit the open road . 

My hopes for the future were bright . All thanks to Kathleen Swan . 

" Did you say goodbye ? " Kendal asked from the passenger seat .

I nodded . 
" Yeah . I think I did . "

" Is she going to be alright ? " James asked .

I sighed .
" She's going to be just fine . "

" And you ... what about you ? " Kendal asked .

I smiled .

" I think I'm going to be just fine as well . " I said, sliding into the front seat with my hands on the steering wheel . 

" That's good . Where too ? " James asked . 

" Wherever the wind takes us , boys . " I said , starting up the car . 
" Do you think we'll ever see her again ? " Kendal asked , sliding on his sunglasses .

I laughed .
" I know we are . " I said , driving off on the highway .

* Kathleen *

I felt eyes on me , but when I turned , they were gone . I gave a small smile . I knew who they belonged too .

" See ya , Alek . " I whispered quietly , looking back up at Jacob .

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