☁️ Heaven's Drive (Mammon)

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Songs :
• Champagne & Sunshine - PLVTINUM, Tarro
• Heaven's Drive - (sic)boy, KM, vividboooy
• Holiday - HIRAIDAI

Y/n's POV :
It was a nice Tuesday morning, I woke up from my sleep and checked my phone. It's 8 AM. My eyes went wide and I sprung up from the bed. "Oh shit oh shit no-" but then I saw Mammon sleeping on the bed side, arms crossed to support his head. "Has he been here all morning?" I thought to myself. "Mmmm... ah huh? Y/n, you're awake?" he looked up at me, eyes still half closed, drool on the edge of his lips. "How long have you been here?! We're going to be late!" I tried to stood up but his hand prevent me from doing so. "Oi, have ya forgotten?? There's no school today, dum dum!" A jolt of happiness rushed through my brain. "AH YEEESSS NO MRS. MEDUSA'S PHYSICS CLASS!!!" I danced around the room like a lunatic. "If I record this and upload it on Devilgram, how much views I can get?" Mammon rested his back on the bedside, looking at the very unholy sight of me dancing like an asylum patient. "mmh mmh yeah yeah... mmmmh yeah yea- CHOTTO MATTE WHAT?!" I immediately turn my head to Mammoan who was staring at me, trying to hold his laughter. "DON'T YOU DARE- EY GIMME DAT!" I quickly and desperately tried to grab his D.D.D. We rustled like a kid. "Ahahah oi oi stop! I'm kidding I'm kidding, EY!" He was laughing and he's cute. So I stopped, I sat in front of him, besides my bed. "Sigh... sometimes I'm questioning why did I even date you." he gazed at my eyes while I still stared dissappointly at him. "I should be the one who's questioning that!" I replied while pointing my index finger on his chest. But then I kissed his cheek. "Have you showered?" I asked Mammon. "O- of course I have! I ain't lazy like ya!" I bleeped my tongue to him while walking towards the shower. I stripped my clothes and took a relaxing bubble bath. He might won't admit it, but I could see Mammon's shadow at the door of my bathroom. "That dumbass pervert..." but I didn't give a damn about that and finished showering. I got out from the bathroom, covered by one piece of white towel. "What are you lookin' at?!" I smugged my tone. "H- huh?? Don't be too cocky, I- I wasn't lookin' at ya! Tch..." He averted his eyes, slight blush on his cheek bone. "So what are we gonna do today?" I asked him so I could pick the right outfit for the occasion. "We're goin' out with my baby, a Classic Ford Shelby Mustang GT 500. Custom color I tell ya that." I could see the prideful smirk on his face, his pointy teeth showing out.

"What should I wear? This, or... this? Ah wait, or maybe this?" I showed him bunch of paired clothings. "Ya look good in anythin'." He said while analyzing the clothes. "You really mean that?" my trust issue came back baby lesgo. "Y- yes! I mean... THE CLOTHES! The clothes are all looking good! Um... well you too- UGH what am I even sayin'!" I chuckled and chose an oversized yellow jacket with black stringed top crop and a bright grey rectangle patterned short skirt for the insides. I wore a thigh high black stocking. For the shoes, it's the same colour as the shirt : black. "Ya done?" Mammon stood up and streched his back. I nodded at his question and we both went to the garage. Sitting at the passenger seat, I checked my D.D.D while Mammon's still warming up the car engine. "Lucifer said we should bring some foods on the way back. And... oh, Asmo asked me to buy him a... huh? Scarf?? I don't have money for that." I read all of the requests from HoL groupchat. "Gimme your D.D.D!" Mammon opened his palm and I gave him my phone. When he returned it, I read the previous texts and he basically just denied Asmo's request, saying we don't have any money to buy an expensive scarf.

We drove through the streets of Devildom. At first we went to the DevilStyle City Mall, he bought me some stuff. It's cute seeing him like this. "Yo c'mere, will this looks good on me?" I posed at him while putting the hanger in front of my body. "Ya want that one? Put it in here!" he handed out the shopping bag. "Uh... no I was just asking. Y'know, I'm broke hehe~" I whispered the last part. "Just put it in here, I'll pay for it, dumbass." He grabbed the clothes from my hand and shoved it inside the shopping bag. "H- hey I'm not asking you to buy it for me!" I babbled out to him. "I WANT to buy it for you. I- I like seeing you wearing c- clothes that I bought." He said while averting his eyes with a mild blush on his cheeks. "Awww you're so adorable omfg what do I need to do with youuu~" I hugged his waist from the back. His body heaten up and he's trying his best to keep calm and contain himself. After finishing off at the cashier, we went to a place to eat.

"Excuse me, would you guys like a couple's package? We have Spicy Hell Garlic appetizer, one large Brazzing Passion drink, two Blood Syrup pancakes, and one Dungeon Fruit dessert." The waiter asked us politely while we stared at each other, blushing at the fact that the waiter thought we were dating. "Uh um... Okay, we'll order one." I said to the waiter. "Don't worry Mammon, checks on me." We finished eating, laughing at our own action when we drank the beverage. After buying some clothes and snacks, we went to the parking lot.

We made love inside the car, and then we drove through a fly over. Going to the casino, we had fun until the sky's getting dark. Everything felt like a dream. Mammon always won at gambling, he's a total pro. He used those money to buy stuff for me and his brother's request. He managed to buy the scarf Asmo mentioned earlier anyway, because what we've gained from the casino were more than enough. "Where are we goin' next, human?" he asked me after getting inside the car. "Let's call it a day, what do you think? I'm tired." all of those adventures we had were really exhausting. We went back home to the House of Lamentation safely. After distributing all of the stuff to the other brothers, we cleaned up and chilled inside Mammon's room. Watching movies and playing billiards, holiday with him was amazing.

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